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Of course, people would have heard the large explosion of an End crystal, nearly half the Realm rushing over to check on just what caused the noise. Endermen of all sizes gawked with the loss of such a historical crystal, but when they laid eyes on their bleeding brethren, they could only assume the worst.

Debris still fell from the top of the pillar, chunks of obsidian crushing into the dirt below. You could still feel Ranboo's hand clutch your hip, however it had faltered when his leg buckled and ended up pressing all of his weight onto you, nearly knocking you off your feet.

Ranboo's leg had been cut badly, the flesh of his leg cleanly sliced by the diamond cutlass once belonging to Malek. Inky black blood poured past the torn fabrics of his clothes, and his warm breath shook along your chest.

"(Y-y/n)" he stumbled on his words, brow furrowing in pain whilst he gripped onto you for support. You had been quick to hook your arms around his chest, gently laying him on the ground in hopes to relive some of the pain. Black blood oozed past his clothes and onto the floor, the liquid reflecting the starry night sky.

"Stay with me." He whispered, however you knew you had to find help, only hoping that he would still be conscious when you returned. His hand- which was now cold, lifted to your cheek, his eyes slowly dimming while his teeth clenched with the pain. "Please."

His plea nearly broke your heart, but it send your body into a flurry of motion. Despite wanting to stay with him at that moment, you would rather have him receive the help he needed to spend countless days with you once he healed, rather than this being his final moment with you. The hybrid released a pained groan as he watched you disappear into the cluster of Endermen, looking for one person you knew could help.

And you found him quite easily in his colourful clothing, his sunglasses shimmering while his head moved up to see you- running desperately towards him. You watched as his brow furrowed in confusion before leaping over the counter of his stall, jogging to meet you halfway in the street.

"(Y/n)?" He questioned, taking a quick look atop the distant obsidian pillars. "Where's Ranboo."

Out of breath, you pointed your hand back from where you had been running from, Eret nodding before grabbing your wrist and forcing you to run with him.

Your legs felt like they were soon to fall off.

But that didn't matter in the moment, for when you returned to Ranboo, a small gathering of Endermen surrounded him, muttering with worry, but not aiding in any way. The sight made you frown- sure he was only half Endermen, but they should still care for him like any living being and try and help him in keeping his life.

Pushing past the cluster of people, you and Eret stood over Ranboo's shaking body, his eyes just barley opening once more to look at you. Immediately you took his cold hand in your own, giving Eret a pleading look for aid.

"This is bad." You heard him mutter, his pure white eyes shining through his dark sunglasses. His words caused your heart to sink while you clutched Ranboo's hand harder, as if you could keep him with you if you held just a tad tighter.

Eret's hand dove into his cape, pulling out a rather bright pink potion hidden away from sight. The cap was quickly removed and Eret squeezed Ranboo's mouth open, making sure the hybrid was conscious before slowly feeding him the contents by pouring it directly into his mouth.

Ranboo drank as much as he could before he began sputtering, choking on the contents and gasping for air. His hand clutched your own, a blazing warmth rippling through him as the healing potion worked its way through his body. His eyes flickered a tad bit brighter as they slid over to you, watching while you pressed a kiss to his knuckles with a reassuring smile.

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