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When the storm finally came to pass, you still didn't move. It was as if the two of you were in a lull just for yourselves, a place in time where only you two existed.

It had been midday when you had awoken, still leaning on Ranboo's shoulder. The pressure in your pocket seemed to grow heavier when you looked into his green and red eyes, so you pulled out the small orb, only to see it harshly glowing.

"An eye of Ender." He mumbled, carefully cupping his hands together. Ranboo watched as you carefully slid the eye into his hands, the surface of the orb glowing brighter at the contact of his skin.

"What does it do?" You questioned, also moving your hands to hold the now floating orb with him. "As far as I know, it's a good light source."

Ranboo, seemingly entranced by the item, grazed his fingers over the surface before pressing the item to your chest. You took it as a sign to slip it back into your pocket, the bright light still shining through the thin material of your pants.

The origins of such an object obviously had you curious, so when your best friend had mentioned seeing such an item before, even calling it by it's actually name, "The Eye of Ender" you knew he was aware of what it was really made for- not just a flashlight.

"This is the ticket to finding the End portal- I can finally figure out where I came from (y/n)!" You let out a yelp when his arms suddenly wrapped around your body, twirling you both around as a happy chuckle sounded around you. He only let your feet touch the floor after a few long twirls in the air, yet his arms didn't move from your embrace as he continued to stare into your eyes excitedly. "I can finally see what my 'home' looks like."

"Do you think I can come see it too?" You asked, your foot gently scraping the ground with the question. Ranboo nodded his head without hesitation, finally letting go of you to put on the clothing that had long since dried off. His dark suit hugged his slim figure well, his tail managing to slip out of a torn seam without much difficulty. It almost made you wonder how he got a shirt on with his horns-

"I promised I wouldn't leave you again, didn't I?" He chuckled, standing near the edge of the cave. It had been the same spot he stood by when he was in his 'Enderwalk' state; a complex state of mind he would occasionally find himself in when experiencing extreme emotions or fatigue, and in most cases a slap on the back of the head or a shout would bring him out of his daze. For some strange reason, even with you already using such similar methods and failing to wake him, he didn't wake up.

He explained that it must have been because of his emotional distress and pain that sent him deep into the Enderwalk state, a natural defence to protect his mind from psychological damage, that he needed a stronger tug of emotions to urge him out of his daze.

Despite this new knowledge, you didn't want to see him like that- like a wild animal ready to tear your arm apart when you got to close. Ranboo didn't want you to see him like that either, for his fear of hurting you in any way had clearly sent him under emotional distress.

When you managed to tie your boots on, your hands fumbled with the corset around your waist. The strings had been easier to reach without the heavy ache and burn of your bones protesting to the stretch, and you certainly hadn't been expecting a cold breath to fan along the back of your neck.

"Here, let me help you." He mumbled, fingers grazing your own before taking the lace. His hands carefully threaded the lace between the holes and tightened them, always making sure that you would be comfortable before finishing off with a neat little bow. "There, how is that?"

You turned your head as far as you could to look behind your shoulder, eye catching on to the bow evenly tied, a perfect fit for you.

"It's perfect, Ranboo, thank you." Humming, you picked up the single bag you had left since you joined Puffy and Fundy. You hadn't seen either of them since the explosion, seeing as they had run away as soon as they had seen you light the first stick of TNT. One could only hope to see them in the holy lands before you, their dream of building a new bakery hopefully to come true.

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