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The cave had certainly desired to scare the crap out of you with the most random noises made by man- from screeching and loud groaning that practically rattled the walls around you, there had been no mercy from the tunnels that never ended.

During the first hours of your wandering, you had hoped to be able to reach the surface and rejoin Ranboo and the rest. Now, with your eyelids practically closed half the time you walked, you had knowing it was well past nightfall- and the group would be too far for you to ever reach now.

In the end you decided that instead of being caught in the bottom of the ravine by the pirates, you would follow the twists and turns of the caves leading you further into the earths mouth, probably to never see the surface of the earth again. You would send them on a wild goose chase and hopefully direct their attention from the others, focusing solely on you. After all, it was you that had set Malek's ship on fire.

It had only been a few days ago, and yet the memory seemed like a legend in time awaiting to be told- much like those of Wither slaying hero's and monster taming kings.

The air had been thick with the scent of old coal and other debris flying in the air, settling along your nose and causing you to sneeze multiple times. You had taken great precautions in avoiding as many mobs as you could, running away from the skeletons flying arrows and hiding behind corners when creepers decided to commit die.

And it didn't help that their explosions rocked the already unsteady cave system abandoned so long ago.

Occasionally you would find mine carts that lead to nowhere, the rails long since faded into nothing more than stone. Small chests had been placed around the inside of the carts, holding valuable items only found found by those who dared venture this deep into a cave.

In one particular chest, you found a gem-like orb that reminded you of an eye. With the outside being a sickly blue fading from a rich green to yellow, the object had been quite out of the ordinary from the other objects stuffed into the chest. The eye emitted a soft light that helped you see the path in front of your feet, so you had decided to take the object with you as you tried and tried again to further venture into the cave.

When the cave grew silent, you would feel the air on the back of your neck shift, the squeaking of bats echoing across the silent walls of stone. The bats wouldn't hurt you, but that didn't stop a shiver from crawling down your spine whenever one flew too close to your head. At one point you raised your hand to shoo the creatures away, leaving your eyes to ignore the possible hazards that nicked your foot, leaving you to crash into the ground once more. 

Your body ached with an unsettling pain, the bruises from earlier already blossoming along your skin. Pushing yourself up from the ground, you had realized that you had lost the eye lighting up your path. Quickly scanning the ground, a small chime from above your head caused you to look up- only to see said eye floating in the air, slowly moving deeper into the cave without you.

At first you were shocked. What sort of magical object had a mind of its own to float away when thrown? At some points the eye would drop and you would catch it before shattering along the ground, tossing the object into the air once again to light up the way. You followed the eye for what you assumed to be hours, but in reality it had probably only been minutes of wandering.

The silence allowed your mind to wander through your thoughts. What if this eye was your ticket out of here?

All hope of escaping had been snuffed out when you reached another dead-end, the opening clearly caved in. Whether from a creeper explosion that had caused it, or just natural pressure, either way you wouldn't be making it out.

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