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You awoke to the growl of your stomach, the noise scaring away the birds and animals that so happened to be nearby. The sun was high in the sky and kissing your skin with a heat only brought by the summer, breeze easily cooling you off as the trees danced with it.

It was nothing compared to the coolness of Ranboo, but you would take whatever you could get.

The ground hadn't helped relieve your stiffness at all, but knowing if you just spent the day lazing on the ground, you would surely lose any hope of catching up to the others. With that, you stretched your limbs and patted any dirt off your clothing- following your shadow.

The journey had been quiet compared to when travelling with the others- Fundy's singing greatly missed by you, along with the constant smell of baked goods stashed away in Puffy's bag. Travelling alone meant more time within your thoughts, and as much as you enjoyed your conversations, talking to yourself did not seem appealing.

Humming a small tune that you picked up from Fundy, you relished the coolness of the eye in your hand, the glassy surface sparkling in the sun. The origins of such an item had you confused on just what it was for- perhaps decoration, or a secret weapon. Either way, the small orb was yours to keep after finding such a treasure stored in the depths of the caves.

Occasionally you would have to stop to gather water from small clear streams, the silence of the forest unnaturally bothersome after days of being so lively. The eerie silence set your nerves on edge, something was wrong, and that something you didn't want to find out.

When you decided to finally look up, your sight wasn't greeted with the usual sight of blue sky, but rather a large tunnel of pluming smoke scattering across the sky. It didn't help that clouds could be seen rolling in from a distance, twisting your gut as you realized that a storm was soon to set in.

You had a choice: whether to ignore the smoke and continue your path to the holy lands, or figure out what idiot decided to roast marshmallows in the middle of the day.

Marshmallows sounded more appealing.

Clutching the glass eye, you proceeded to follow the origins of the tunnelling smoke, unknowing of just what had caused such a large fire.

Because the forest had been so quiet, your ears had easily picked up on the rather loud talking happening throughout the trees. The sound had been so familiar it caused you to feel sick, the memory of constant rocking of a ship still fresh in your mind. You had thought that maybe you would have a little more time before you had to face pirates once again, but the familiar stench of ale and salt hit your nose, punching your gut. 

"No damn way." The words tumbled out of your mouth while you picked up the pace, now running through the trees in hopes to find just whom had been lingering in the forest. Just like you expected, the same pirates that held you hostage now made camp in the many trees, tents perched and scattered across the opening.

The smoke had come from a rather large fire currently consuming any fuel given- including material that caused the smoke to turn black. You tucked your body between some hills and foliage in hopes to watch what the group had been doing, gathering as much information as you could.

A crackle of whips burst through the air, the sharp sound sending shivers down your spine.

"Get a move on; we return to the city tomorrow and retrieve our goods." That voice- one that overpowered the rest without trying. That same voice you linked to be attached with the most disgusting man whom lived a life of greed. Your eyes only had to glance over the crowd once to find the glimmering gold of his coat, never once taking any of his riches off his person. It must have been the only bit of his stolen goods he had left from the ship, for it was now sunken into the bottom of the port- ashes covering the deck.

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