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You darted through multiple tents before finally stumbling across Fundy, who much like Puffy, was tucked away into the corner of the tent. Fortunately they hadn't done anything to him yet, such as cut off his tail for decoration, or use his fangs for jewelry. However his mouth was clamped shut with a metal muzzle preventing him from speaking.

When you found him, he had been sleeping, and waking him up proved to be a challenge. Unlike the nights you had spent with him, his snoring was completely gone, and his body had been tense as if expecting someone to attack him as he slept. You had been gentle with waking him up by softly whispering in his ears, gently petting behind him as you told him to stay calm.

"(Y/n)?" His voice was drowsy, but within seconds he was up and awake. The muzzle didn't allow him to open his mouth too much, and even then his speech was slurred when trying to comprehend you alive and somewhat well.

Panic rose in his eyes when you lifted your blade up to his face, carefully cutting off the leather straps that held the muzzle in place. When the metal made a dull thud while hitting the floor, Fundy opened his mouth to spew out multiple questions, but surprisingly he only asked one.

"What took you so long?"

You had been taken aback by the question. Surely he didn't know you were to escape the ravine, let alone rescue him from this predicament. Yet, the twitch of his ears let you know he wasn't joking with the question, finally standing from the ground and dusting himself off.

He must have noticed your confusion, for he was quick to explain. "I heard you and Puffy in the tent, but don't worry, it's just because of these." He pointed to his ears, which had been constantly pointing to different directions to noises you couldn't hear.

You mouthed an 'oh'. Taking the time to unlock the shackle also linked around his ankle, the same design used on Puffy's. Once released from the iron grip, you stood to face Fundy, who gave you a hearty smile.

"We still blowing these suckers up?" He asked, crossing his arms and looking around the bland tent. His orange tail was happily swishing side to side, disturbing the dirt by his feet.

Throwing the shackles along the ground, you readjusted the grip on your sword, noting a pair of footsteps passing by your tent. The quiet tension rose as both you waited for the sound to fade, listening for any sign to begin running. When the silence returned and you knew it was safe, you sighed. "You bet, I still have to get Ranboo though."

Fundy nodded, watching as you peeled your head out the tent. The moon was currently covered by a few spotted clouds, but you knew it was soon to rain. The dense tension in the air promised of a heavy storm, one that was made from the nearby sea.

The fox hybrid had no trouble in weaving between tents, easily finding Puffy with his expert hearing in the nearby bushes. The two gave you a nod before hiding themselves in the foliage, awaiting you to release your last friend.

Empty tent after tent, there had been no sight of Ranboo anywhere. You had even risked your neck when checking the Capitan's tent, slitting a tear into the fabric rather than peaking from the folds. The area was lit with torch light, a soft bed roll laid on the floor with a small box of golden accessories- telling you just how much you needed to know. With no sign of the Endermen hybrid, you chose to continue looking through the area, dodging a few men who were in much need of some fruit.

Just when you doubted your search, a flicker of the rather large bonfire caught your eye, nearly every pirate seated next to the light. The flames were fed by anything that could burn, causing greens and wet wood to spark up and sputter, leaving plumes of smoke to rise up.

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