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The sun had been at its highest point when you awoke, the shade of the trees protecting your eyes from the glare of the light.

Puffy had woken you up last in hopes to let you get as much sleep as possible, but with the pressing nerves of the city now knowing of your disappearance, you had to keep moving in hopes to ever reach your destination. Within minutes your bed roll was tucked into your bag, quickly joining the group in their trek in keeping ahead of the traders. The thought of being constantly chased was nerve-wracking, however the adrenaline that came with it was addicting.

Puffy took the lead, this time using the sun to navigate the way. The forest had begun to spread out and grow more sparse; causing the harsh summer sun to hit against your backs, however you couldn't stop now, not when you still had to travel all throughout the night in hopes to put some ground between you and the city.

Fundy had made the trip more lively by singing songs sung to him as a child, Puffy occasionally joining him and creating a wonderful melody. Sometimes Ranboo even joined in- somehow knowing the words to the music being created.

As for you, your mind wandered into lazy thoughts, occasionally glancing at everyone's animalistic features. Puffy, who had wool-like hair and droopy sheep ears smiled with such a brightness it was almost blinding. Fundy, who's ears twitched back and tail swished never seized to make you laugh with his jokes. And Ranboo, the Enderman hybrid that had chosen to save your life, had a perfect vertical split of black and white down the centre of his body, multiple features such as pointed ears and a long tail making you wonder just what his other half had been.

As for you, there was no animal features for you to gloat about. No ears to twitch or tail to sway- no, you being the rather simple human almost looked strange in a group such as this. You had seemed to the the odd man out out of the three, and yet they had treated you better than most humans you have ever met.

They had practically been your family.

"Break time!" Fundy shouted over enthusiastically. Within minutes his pack had been shrugged off near the edge of a river and orange fur soaked in the cold waters, letting a sigh of relief to escape his lips. Puffy joined him without hesitation, soaking her hair within the cool waters that beckoned for you.

Taking a step closer to the edge, you stopped yourself. You could hear the laugher of Puffy and Fundy echo ahead of you, powering over Ranboo's quiet hum of disappointment. Unlike the rest of you, Ranboo wouldn't be able to touch the water, as shown by his clear facial distaste for the simple glance of the liquid.

So, instead of leaping into the waters, begging you to take a relaxing refresher, you seated yourself beside Ranboo in the shade, shocking the Endermen hybrid slightly.

"(Y/n)!" He yelped, carefully
trying to fold himself as to appear smaller. It didn't help though, for you had already been practically leaning on him . "Why aren't you swimming? Surely you must be hot."

"I am." You admitted, causing Ranboo to tuck his ears against his head in distaste. "But I'd much prefer skipping a small swim in exchange for spending time with you."

Your words caused Ranboo's cheeks to tint pink, lifting his hand to mess with the collar of his shirt.

"Well, I'm glad to spend time with you." Smiling, you felt as his hand grazed over your own, the cold of his body causing you to retract your hand. Noticing your sudden action, he inquired you about it. "Is something wrong?"

Fingers gently pressing against Ranboo's arm, you nearly flinched again once you felt how cold he was- his skin a practical moving ice bin. "You're cold."

The hybrid tilted his head, confused at your words. Yet as you moved your hand to catch his wrist, he could finally feel the heat from you seeping into his skin. It was enjoyable.

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