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Lance had been right when he mentioned the streets becoming busy. Whatever method of time they had used to keep track wasn't easy, and sure enough people began to trickle into the streets like the start of a rain. Endermen of different sizes stalked around the stalls of colours, their sheer black outfits replaced with colourful fabrics that rolled off their tall frames, flowing behind them as they walked.

Occasionally purple eyes would catch onto yours, sending a cool chill down your spine. The Endermen had a certain aura around them that screamed elegant, their tall statures looming over you with a silent threat of authority you didn't dare wish to oppose. You kept your eyes away from theirs as much as possible, however there had been some moments where your curiosity would get the best of you.

Your hand was clutching the cuff of Ranboo's jacket while you wandered the streets, taking note of the beautiful colours and joyful noises of happy traders. The scent of baked goods reminded you of the sheep and fox hybrids that you travelled with only days ago, already missing the constant singing from the two beautiful people. Hopefully they had made it to the holy lands- to fulfill their dreams of starting anew.

"(Y/n), look." Ranboo tugged you along to a rather hidden stall, jewelry of different kinds hung along the silver racks that sparkled in the lantern light. Gems and jewels glittered and sparkled much like that of Malek's coat, but instead of gold, the metal seemed much more pleasant and held a different presence around it.

The jewels and rings wasn't what Ranboo brought you to, his hand instead pointing to a rather gorgeous creation of forged silver, the shiny metal holding onto a flat stone set in the centre of the circlet. The gem had been one that reflected the colourful sky of the End, and upon closer inspection, it had seemed the stars were hidden within the endless sparkling colours.

"I see you have quite an eye for gems, young man." The owner of the stall, one who you didn't quite recognize as an Endermen, but instead you had been met with a man wearing a kings robe, his golden crown shimmering with the light.

"The name is Eret, a part-time jeweller who just so happens to stop by this time of year for the festival."

Holding out his hand, Ranboo was hesitant to meet his, reluctantly shaking the rather tall mans calloused hand. The jewels crested into his crown would shimmer and bring your eyes up to his face, however his sunglasses covered whatever secret laid behind them, leaving you to stare at his white smile.

"Ranboo, and this is (y/n)." Gesturing to you, Ranboo smiled as you gave a small awkward wave, his heart swelling when he saw your cheeks heat with an embarrassed flush.

"Well Ranboo, what can I get for you and your lover here?" Eret leaned over the ledge of his stall, the edges of his glasses just barley hiding what his behind them.

The hybrid stuttered, his hands going stiff to his sides while his face heated up, eyes darting anywhere they could. Aa for you, Eret's comment made you laugh, albeit a bit embarrassed yourself. "Sorry Eret, but we don't have any money to give you in exchange for such precious items in your collection. We were merely browsing."

The man dressed up as a king scoffed, pressing his glasses closer to his face- as if they could get any closer. His hands gestured over the many displays of glittering jewelry, his hands pausing over the silver circlet that had caught Ranboo's eye earlier. Gently, he plucked it off the stand and examined it, a sly grin growing on his face as he leaned over the counter to place the delicate creation atop your head.

"I have plenty of gems to share with those experiencing young love. Consider it as a gift from the End Realm- a treat after a long journey." The circlet sat perfectly along the crest of your head, the silver glittering along with your eyes whenever you moved. Ranboo's mouth slightly parted when he saw just how amazing you looked- even without the circlet he could feel his heart beating when you smiled.

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