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Over the course of several days, Ranboo would sneak his way into your humble abode, bringing you apples, crackers, and occasionally a few sticks of meat he was given. You had told him multiple times to save the food for himself, for the hard day of work would drain him if he didn't eat- despite this, he continued to share his rations with you.

"The Capitan keeps the keys to my chains in his left pocket- never his right." You had currently been munching on some small nuts Ranboo brought, delicately peeling the shells off so you could get to the flavoured goodness inside.

Discussing plans on how to get out of the hull had been your main priority, for if you couldn't get your chains off, there was no stepping off the ship. The golden watch Malek had thrown at you was long since destroyed by the heel of your boot, the ticking only edging your nerves. The only problem was how Ranboo would get the key from the Capitan's pocket.

"I could wait until he's drunk." Ranboo offered. You shook your head, brows furrowing in thought.

"No, a raging alcoholic such as himself never gets drunk. You would have a better chance if he was asleep." Flickering your eyes up to look at Ranboo, you noted how his tail swished in a steady rhythm, the fur puffing out at the end split between two colours, just like the rest of him. For part Enderman, most of his features looked awfully human, and the other half of him was even more mysterious.

You could recall the stories of the different races that walked the same lands as you, Piglins being the main rulers of the Nether- Their brute force and violent reputation never seized to excite you, mind drifting to the lakes of lava they built their castles upon.

Endermen had a different world entirely, only being visited by very important people with offerings and news. Other than those selected few, only the tall beings of the End had been permitted to come and go as they please, being able to simply teleport into different dimensions without so much as a second thought. Their homes had been built amongst the obsidian pillars within the end, defying the laws of gravity that applied to the Overworld. Rumours had spoken of a dragon that once lived within the realm, terrorizing the Endermen within and holding their minds captive.

You had no clue if any of it had been real, for you had only heard of stories and tales of such a place, you've heard of a three-headed beast terrorizing the Nether, only to be slain by magic. Such stories has seemed like far-fetched creations from a drunken story-teller, looking to gather coins for a crazy idea strewn together by alcohol. But you couldn't help but wonder if said stories had actually been as true as they seemed.

Your mind wandered to the first day you met the hybrid, his timid form not much different now. The memory of his scared eyes meeting your calm gaze just before the offers started rolling in, auctioneer saying anything to receive a buyer- It reminded you that Ranboo had come from the Holy land, a place rumoured to be of great wealth.

"Did you really come from the holy lands?" You mindlessly asked, eyes widening after you realized just what you said. The words had slipped out of your mouth before you could stop yourself, causing Ranboo to pause in eating his apple. He took a moment to consider.

"I wouldn't call the holy, but yes, I came from there."

"What was it like?"

The hybrid stopped for a moment, eyes gazing the floorboards with a sudden interest. His tail had stopped swishing, instead relaxing along the floor, tucked close to his body.

"It's a wonderful place." He began, eyes distant while he explained. "There are no traders there, and the people are kind so long as you're not a criminal. There are other hybrids too- piglins, ghasts, turtles, a variety that's very much refreshing compared to other countries I've wandered across."

Runaway (Ranboo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now