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You had expected for the roaring thunder to rouse you from your sleep, or perhaps even an angry animal that decided to also make the cave it's home. What you weren't expecting was Ranboo to get up and begin walking without a word, straight towards the entrance of the cave.

Drowsiness clung to your eyes as you watched the hybrid come dangerously close to the still pouring rain, his skin inches away from the edge protecting him from the water. Immediately you spring up and grabbed his arm, yanking him back from the edge of the cave while shouting his name.

But when you looked into his eyes, you didn't see the Ranboo you had grown so fond of.

His eyes were the same colour of red and green, however he looked to be in a daze, eyes clouded over and foggy inside. His shoulders had been slumped over into a hunch while he plainly stared outside the cave, trying to move his body from your grip to return to the edge of the cave.

"Ranboo?" You asked, trying to prod him back into the real world. His stiff body felt strange under your hands as you gently let go of him, watching as he returned to stand still by the edge of the cave.

He was quiet, too quiet. Although he never did talk much before, having no response from him sent goosebumps down your spine- it was almost as if he was a different person, let alone himself.

Shaking your head, you decided to try everything in your power to make him return. You attempted to lead him away from the edge of the cave, rain still heavily pouring and blocking his way out. However each time he'd take a step back from the edge, his body would grow stiff and move to return to the same place he was before. A groan of frustration left your lips as you tried to push him away again, more forcefully than the last few attempts.

This time, instead of just moving back, his clouded eyes locked onto yours, his lips parting as if he was about to say something. What you didn't expect was an Endermen-like scream to rip from his throat.

The sound sent you tumbling back into the ground, watching as the hybrid shook his head and returned to face the rain, his entire body stiff.

Stunned, you got up again, trying some other way to awaken him from this sleep-walking state. Surely he wouldn't harm you in this state, you foolishly hoped. Just because he wouldn't hurt a fly normally, doesn't mean that in this....state, he would still be the same. Your hand griped onto his still tail, the tuff of fur on the end soft in your hand. Unfortunately, you mumbled an apology in hopes that he would forgive you even if he couldn't hear you; pulling on his tail and causing him to jerk back.

Immediately his head turned to you, his jaw unhinging like those Endermen did in the stories. It almost seemed as if he could fit your entire hand with just how wide it had been, purple particles violently flying up into the air between you.

"Ranboo! Wake up!" You didn't back away, despite the aggravated hybrid slowly approaching you. You still had his tail in your hand, leaving you with only a few steps of distance between the two of you. With each step he took closer, you would match him with a step back of your own, keeping your eyes locked onto his glowing ones.

His ears twitched at the loud volume of your voice, quickly snapping his jaw before opening it again- a warning to let go of him now or else. But you couldn't let him walk out into the rain within that state of mind, worry for him welling up before being pushed down by the sudden rush of fear. Your back had hit the stone wall of the cave, leaving you no more room to back away.

Dropping his tail, Ranboo kept walking towards you despite his tail being freed. Strange otherworldly noises shook through his body as he was practically leaning on you, his face mere inches from yours.

Runaway (Ranboo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now