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Days had passed by since you had last seen the glimmering hopeful eyes of Ranboo, leaving you to believe that he had chosen to become one of the many men working under Capitan Malek's hand in exchange for a life that you had currently been living.

You didn't blame him in the slightest. Most would enjoy the illusion of having freedom while being pinned to a board, eyes catching the last bit of sunlight before death snuffed them out, forever living under someone's greed. As for yourself, you didn't live freely - physically at least, but you weren't being forced to work under the harsh daylight with the constant threat of being thrown into the sea.

Even with this reasoning, you couldn't help but miss the company and laugh Ranboo brought- the atmosphere much more calm compared to the squeaks of rats that scurried across your legs.

Like the many month that had passed, nothing happened with your chains. Occasionally you would be brought your necessities to survive, half-eaten food with partially drinkable water to keep you alive. You didn't pay any attention to whom had brought you such things, for even making eye contact with most would result in unpleasant results- such as spit by your feet.

You would have certain days when Malek would come from the surface and watch you carefully, his blue eyes piercing your soul and waiting for you to break. He would bring fresh bread with him and softly chew on it, smirking when he sees you swallowing the drool you so desperately tried to hide.

"You can join me, you know." He spoke with his mouth full, breaking off another chunk of bread and stuffing his mouth. His golden trinkets sparkled in what little sunlight provided down in the hull, but it did nothing to hide the poor intentions of this man. "I would allow you to roam the top of the ship, dine with us and drink the fine wines of my stocks."

His eyes dropped as he continued, dropping his voice so only you could hear. "All I need is your body and complete loyalty."

You lurched forward, snapping your forehead against his nose, successfully knocking him over to the ground with a groan. Your head ached from the impact, sending a dull throb along your skin, but the surge of pride that welled in your chest kept you from succumbing to the pain. "You can keep your wine and bread, for I have something far more valuable than a few luxuries stolen from the good hands of others work."

The Capitan got up from his spot, fingers grazing over his chin and harshly jerking it to the side. Under his faint black stubble you could pick out a beautiful purple bruise beginning to form.

There wasn't much time to admire, for the man had been close to raise his hand, coming down across your own face in return. You could feel the blunt metal of his rings ache across your face, no doubt a similar bruise to his own forming along your cheek.

The Capitan was heaving, shoulders rising and falling with his rapid breath of growing madness. The rats scurried in fear of attracting his attention, not wanting to be the creature speared on the other side of his diamond blade.

"One day-" he panted, rage burning against his blue eyes. "I'll show your worth- that you're nothing more than a sack of flesh for me and my men."

Standing up from your crouched form, Malek let his fingers trail over your hair while you cringed, not moving in fear of another strike.

"Seven days. That's how long you have before I trade you off to a very good friend of mine- he takes people like you and makes a profit with you somehow."

His hand dug in his pocket, pulling out a golden-covered contraption and throwing it next to your feet before continuing. "Perhaps whatever you have that's supposedly worth more than my offer can save you."

Runaway (Ranboo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now