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You woke before the sun had risen, dew still heavy on the blades of grass outside. Not even the song birds had made their way into the waking world, beaks tucked into their warm feathers for rest.

The clothes you wore was in serious need of attention, grime and dirt clung to the hem and sleeves of the material, so whilst Ranboo had been asleep, you took it upon yourself to find some new clothes hung along the clothesline's amongst the buildings. You plucked off another dress shirt for Ranboo that had been somewhat identical to the one he had been wearing when you first saw him.

As for yourself, simple black pants and a white blouse did you good, snatching a corset from a open window that decided to leave such a beautiful creation all for the taking. Once your clothes had been collected, you found yourself standing next to a nearby river, the water partially foggy due to being so close to an active city.

There wasn't a moment to waste, slipping off your old clothes and disposing them into the mud. The salt and grime had practically peeled off your body from the months of travelling, the fabrics having no chance at being salvaged anymore. The cold water of the river didn't keep you for long, causing you to rush out with a gasping breath while struggling to put on the new clothing.

The boots you stolen had been a nicely polished black, similar to that of Malek's shimmering boots. The leather did well in keeping the water out, leaving your feet warm in the travels to find Ranboo once again.

Ranboo had been sprawled along the sofa with an easy expression, his mouth wide open while a few light snores escaped his throat. He had his hands wrapped around his knees, tucking his limbs close to his chest, allowing his tail to twitch unconsciously as he dreamed.

Placing the clothes on the ground beside him, you let your eyes rake the nearby kitchen for food. Unfortunately, it had seemed the rats had followed you all the way to the city, for there had not even been a crumb left for neither you or Ranboo.

It was time to do some more searching.

Sneaking out of the building, your nose was quick to pick up the wafting scent of bread baking, the distant hint of the coals coming along with it. Without hesitation, you followed the scent down the streets of the city, where you made sure to keep track of how to get back to the abandoned building Ranboo was currently sleeping in.

Not a soul had dared wander the streets this early, where the stars had sat upon the warming sky changing its dark blue hues for golden orange ones. Your feet made no sound as you walked along the sides of the road, ears open for any sign of followers watching you- however you had made it to the bakery without so much as the skittering of a rat nearby.

Finding a window, you carefully peered your face to look into the shop, noting how baskets of fresh bread sat on the counters waiting to be stocked. The smell sent a rumble through your stomach, craving the taste of real food.

"Soon." You didn't direct your comment to anyone, but rather to your stomach.  You licked your lips, stalking the side of the building until you found the door leading inside; Pressing your ear to the door, you listened for any movement inside the shop.

After listening to the silence behind the door, you carefully turned the knob, ready to dash away if even a simple creak sounded. By some miracle, you had stumbled across the quietest door in existence, slipping your body through the opening as soon as you could without so much of a creak.

Inside, the smell of freshly baked treats increased tenfold. Pastries and desserts had been placed along trays ready to bake, glazed sugar coating the ones that had a golden crisp along the surface. You had to hold your stomach from revealing your hiding place with it's loud groan, feet quickly moving to find some food for the day.

Runaway (Ranboo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now