Chapter Sixteen- Caught The Attention Of A Monster

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(The Killers POV)

I listened to the gossip around the bar, proud of the fact that I seemed to be the main topic of conversation. Everyone I had talked to today had been chatting about the horror of what was happening, the poor murdered women and how scared they were by what was going on in Fenelon. I was in my glory.

I wondered what Lincoln and Josie were up to tonight. I had come in hoping to get a chance to observe one or both of my next targets. Today had been a success, I had managed to see them both.

How wonderful it was to watch them both chasing their tails. Their long faces showing their frustration and their heartbreak.

Watching her stroll around town so casually today, oblivious to the fact that she was being hunted. She had this confident walk, like she owned the place that had always rubbed me the wrong way. Now, even the things that were bothersome, had me giddy. Imagining and planning all the different ways that I was going to break her when she was mine.

I kept thinking about when I'd take her and how. When I caught Josie, I was going to keep her alive longer than the others. My favourite method of torture was to give the girls some method of escape or hope for escape and then to watch them as they failed over and over.

It made my heart soar to watch the hope slowly die from their eyes. I shuddered with joy, there was nothing as satisfying as watching the last glimmer of hope fade.

I knew that seeing all the positivity, kindness and faith in Josie's eyes blink out, would be bliss for my soul.

My fantasy was interrupted by a tap on my shoulder and I turned around grumbling.

Chantelle's pretty face peered back at me, "Hey sorry do you have a second to chat? I was wondering if you could tell me a little about what happened with you and Izzy. I'm trying to get a timeline together before I meet with Josie tomorrow. I know that about a month before she went missing, she was infuriated with you about something that happened at the grocery store. Could you tell me about it? It might give me a chance to see where her head was at."

Think fast. Think fast. Think fast.

"I don't really remember what it was. In the chaos of her going missing, it kind of became a non-issue because I just wanted her to be okay."

She nodded her head, the sadness and disappointment peeking out as she walked away, "Thanks anyway." As she turned her head, I caught her giving me a weird look and I wondered if she was suspicious.

That simply wouldn't do. I looked down at my shaking hands and knew that if I was going to manage to kill Josie and Lincoln, if I was to get out of Fenelon to start fresh, I needed to make sure that Chantelle didn't become too inquisitive. I definitely didn't want her to talk to Josie about me.

I considered if it was possible and as I made my choice, it felt right. My panic settled as I worked out a plan. With my decision made I ordered another drink and kept my eye on Chantelle and her friends.

If I made my way to her house before she got home, I could surprise her there. I didn't normally work so fast or allow myself to rush but desperate times called for desperate measures and I needed to cover all my bases. I could grab a tranquillizer from my car. I preferred drugging because I liked when my victims were more lucid but for now, this would do.

I paid my tab and drove my car two blocks away from Chantelle's. I could have walked back to the bar after but didn't want to chance anyone seeing that I was still out and about. Plus, the chances of there not being shrapnel was nonexistent. I liked to get messy while I worked.

When I got to Chantelle's, I immediately noticed the flashing light of her alarm system. Instead of setting it off, I sat down in the bushes over by the corner of the house. I leaned against the brick of her house, waiting. Revelling in every moment because my favourite part of the hunt was the chase.

I loved secretly watching them, basking in the false sense of security the women had.

It felt like no time had passed when I heard the giggles of Chantelle and her friend Carrie. Shit, I hadn't expected to have to take out two women tonight. Could I handle it? Of course, but it would be a lot trickier.

I breathed a sigh of relief when they hugged at the bottom of Chantelle's driveway and Carrie called out that she would text her when she got home. I slowly moved out of the bushes as I heard her door open and walked quickly over to the door.

I knocked twice, assuming that Chantelle would open thinking that Carrie had forgotten something.

A correct guess, as it turned out. She opened the door laughing, "What do you want now?"

The laughter died as her eyes widened in confusion. She glanced down and saw the needle and when she looked back up, her gaze was ripe with fear. "You?"

I could hear the glee in my voice as I answered, "Me." She turned to run but wasn't quite fast enough as I pushed my way in and stabbed the needle into her neck.

I used the momentum of my body to push her back against the wall and as she collided, I stood back, knowing that the shot I had given her would work almost immediately.

I stood over top of her crumpled form feeling giddy. I had never taken so many risks or felt so on top of my game. There was something exhilarating about not having a complete plan in place. The extra danger was making my blood pump, I felt ALIVE.

I ripped off her shirt and pulled out my knife, getting ready to play. The first cut into her flesh caused me to shudder in pleasure. The joy immense, as I got to work. I was meant for this game.

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