Chapter Three- The Team

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(Josie's POV)

Lee, Lucy and I sat around my kitchen island each sipping from big glasses of red wine. I had called them over for dinner and we were currently waiting on our green coconut curry. MasterChef I was not, it was takeout for the win tonight. I figured wining and dining them would ease them into the idea that we were getting sent off again.

They were the two people that I took with me as often as I could. No matter where or what the assignment was, Lee and Lucy were the best.

Lee gave me a sideways glance, his blue eyes honing in like lasers. He gestured to the two bottles of Josh on the counter. "Why are you breaking out the good wine, Josie?"

I should have known they would see right through me, especially Lee. My best friend, Hailey, had a work wife. Lee was my work husband and I should have realized he would see right through me. He raised one perfectly shaped, blonde eyebrow at me, letting the question hang in the air. I hadn't intended to break the news quite yet but sighed and said, "Charlie called this morning. There's a new serial. We're being called out again."

Lee gave a low whistle. His widened eyes met Lucy's as she said softly, "Why would he send us out so soon?"

"It's my hometown." I was still reeling from the fact that my little town was going through this.

"There's a serial killer in Fenelon Falls?" The same shock that I was feeling, was heavy in Lucy's voice.

"They discovered..." I started to explain but Lucy held up a hand to stop me.

"Wait a moment." She reached into her purse and pulled out a touch screen and her keyboard. I watched as she pulled up a note and waved a hand, letting me know she was ready.

Lucy was my second in command, an expert at reading most situations. Right now, she tucked her dark curly hair behind her ears and set up shop, immediately putting together that this was happening. I could see her starting to file the information away. She loved the behind-the-scenes work and she was always in the background, making sure Lee and I were safe.

She started to type as I explained everything that was known so far. Right now, it wasn't much.

"Two nights ago, a tip was called into the Fenelon crime stoppers line about a possible grave site discovered on a hiking trail just outside of Fenelon Falls. When officers investigated, they found seven buried bodies. All women. They believe that the first woman was buried ten years ago. The last, within the month. All the bodies were found naked and each of the women had suffered multiple injuries. It appears that they had all been tortured."

I waited for the clicking of Lucy's typing to stop, letting her catch up before I continued. "Lincoln Sawyer, the local Chief of Police, reached out and asked for help and Charlie figured it made the most sense to send me because of my connection to the town."

"How is it that we haven't heard anything about this?" Lee took another sip of his wine, waiting on my reply.

I was sharing at a rapid pace, hoping that they wouldn't comment on the Lincoln part. "They've kept it under wraps until they can do all the notifications, but it's soon to be released."

I gave them both a moment to think about it. We had been together long enough that they both knew about my history with Lincoln. I sat back and sipped my wine, watching the unspoken conversation between the two of them.

It was Lee who asked, "Did you tell Charlie about your past with Lincoln? Do you really think this is the best idea? Are you sure you're in the right space to go back out?"

Lucy leaned over and rested a hand on top of his to stop his rapid-fire questioning. He stopped talking and ran a hand through his blonde locks in frustration, as his blue eyes connected with hers. Whatever conversation they had was silent and quick. He turned away growling, as his gaze met mine, full of sympathy and worry.

Lee was breathtaking to look at. So, it was saying something that the most beautiful thing about him was his big heart. I knew he was going to be out of his element worrying about me being home. "What are we thinking for covers?"

"It actually worked out perfectly, my dad's head bartender Addy, just had her baby early. He said he can work her shift tomorrow night and train you. He also has a couple of apartments above the brewery that he's recently renovated and hasn't gotten tenants for yet. Lee, you'll take one, I'll take the other. I don't want to stay with him, just in case I become a target."

My dad had been shocked when I told him that we were coming home and why. I had hated hearing the worry in his voice. He hadn't said anything about how he was feeling though. Instead, just going out of his way to assure me that he was happy for Lee to come in and work for him. The brewery would find someone to take over the maternity leave when we had caught our monster.

Lucy took apart the screen and keyboard and popped them back in her purse. "Charlie was looking into renting  something just outside of town for you, Luce." 

She nodded, "Hopefully when we get there tomorrow, we'll have more information. If you and Lee both stay above your dad's place, we'll make Lee's place our command centre." 

I stood up and walked over to each of them, giving them both a hug. "I don't know what I would do without 'Team Sneaks-a lot'."

Lucy laughed but Lee gave me his most serious look. "I don't know about this Josie. You know we're stronger when we're together and there is no way we would let you do this without us, but I don't know if you should be doing this at all."

My heart sped up, he wasn't wrong but I didn't really have a choice. I waved my hand casually, "It was along time ago, Lee. I can do this." 

His eyes stayed locked on mine, doubt written all over his face but the doorbell rang with our dinner and he sighed, "Okay." I gave him one last squeeze before I grabbed my wallet. Lee and Lucy both went to pull out money and I glared at them; we often battled over who was going to pay but this one was on me. I didn't know what we were heading into exactly but Lee was right, it wasn't going to be easy and there was no way I could do it without them. 

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