Chapter Fifty-Three- Karma

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(Lincoln's POV)

Josie and I took our time getting ready this morning. Charlie had called to let us know that Candy wasn't getting released from the hospital till ten o' clock. He had asked Josie if she was feeling well enough to be back at work. When she had assured him that she was, he had explained that he was heading back to Toronto. He needed to check in on some of his other teams.

The interview was set to start at Eleven. We arrived at the station at 9:30. Ready to prep the team and get her caged up as soon as possible.

Josie started off. "Lee, it's going to be you and me this morning. If it was me and Lincoln, I worry it might shut her down completely. I'm thinking if she realises that you were at the bar undercover the whole time, she'll be mad at the deception. Add to it that I got away and hopefully it'll be a slow build of anger that leads to a confession."

"Josie noticed that any time she got angry yesterday; it was like she had no control over her words. We're hoping to use that against her." I added.

Lucy stalked into the room, interrupting the conversation taking place. "You have no idea how lucky you guys are that you did not have to spend a night listening to her nonsense. She is the most horrible, ungrateful, vile human being that I might have ever encountered."

I got the impression based on the shared looks of her team that Lucy's wrath was not an everyday occurrence. "You guys better be prepared to fuck her up in there. That monster can't see the light of day ever again."

It was Lee that stopped her rant. He walked over and gave her a big hug, saying softly, "You look and sound like you need this."

She took a breath, holding on to him for a minute and said, "Thanks, I feel better! Okay, I'm ready! Fill me in!"

We walked her through our plan of action until Trigg walked in. "She's been booked and she's in room one. Still hasn't asked for a Lawyer."

I raised my eyebrows at that. I would assume that it was coming.

Josie touched my shoulder briefly as her and Lee got up to head to the interview. The rest of us made our way to the observation room.

The Josie that I had spent the night with last night was kind and caring. The woman that I watched walk into the interview was hard and powerful. Her and Lee walked in with their badges intentionally on display.

Duncan laughed at their serious faces. "The temperature in that room just went down a few degrees."

"We figured Candy was going to have a problem with police authority, they're going to go in heavy." I explained to the room.

As soon as Candy saw them, she scoffed. She sat up straight. Her body language rigid as she pointed right at Josie's face and gave a filthy look, stating, "No! I don't want you!"

Josie laughed in her face. "That's the thing about being a criminal Candy you don't exactly get a choice in what happens next. One of those things being who the officer is that's going to interview you. You might not want it to be me but knowing it was you, I'm glad that they brought me in. That I had a hand in taking you down. You've stained this town long enough it's time for your nastiness to end."

Candy's face got more and more squinty as she listened. Josie added in, "Sorry, where are my manners? I believe you already know my partner Lee."

I was amazed as I watched Candy's reaction to the two of them. You wouldn't think that she was a 34-year-old woman. The way that she was acting was more toddler-like, from her puffy bottom lip, the huffing and puffing and her repeated eye rolls you would think she was a small child.

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