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Hey - you're still reading this! That's awesome. I hope you're enjoying this fic. :D 

I actually like this chapter a lot - I think I managed to capture something of L, and something of Matsuda too. And of course, there is sushi - yay! 

As always, if you read - you can make the time to write a comment. I seriously need them.


October 15th

Fay had made a mental note to apologize to Matsuda, but it took a full week before she had a chance to do so.

After all - it was surprisingly difficult to find time for a personal conversation, while engaged into a murder investigation. No wonder Sherlock Holmes never married, Fay thought.

And like that wasn't enough of an obstacle, there was the fact, that Fay now knew L had put surveillance in every hallway. Where was she supposed to talk with Matsuda without being seen or heard? The last thing she wanted, was L eavesdropping on her conversations with Matsu - but there was no way she would invite him to her rooms again either. That would lead to no good, she knew.

As it was all but impossible to find a way to talk privately with Matsuda, for the next week Fay managed to play Watson to L's Sherlock, and busied herself with doing all the little things that she knew 'helped him think' - like making him tea, bringing him candies and filling his sugar bowl. But those tasks hardly kept her ADHD brain busy, so she took the liberty of following Tokyo stock market (trying to find plummeting companies, that could have been targeted by Yotsuba Kira), going through every single surveillance video they had of Yotsuba office or Misa's party, and chatting with Wedy about the ways she was going to infiltrate Yotsuba security and bug the meeting room before next friday.

That was why she was here, after all. To help L solve this case - not to hook up with yet another hot guy who was not him.

"Why did you hire Wedy and Aiber?" Fay asked, not turning her eyes off the screen she was looking at.

"Mmmh." L muffled with his mouth full of chocolate chip cookies.

"Take your time."

She glanced at L, as he licked the crumbles off his tall, thin fingers, and a primitive need to feel that tongue on her skin, flashed through her core. She had to look away, to be able to keep her balance.

"We are shorthanded, especially after Aizawa left and Matsuda messed up, so Mogi had to take his role as Misa's manager." L answered, apparently unaware of Fay's inner torment. "We needed help, and those two are the best at what they do."

"I am a bit offended, you know." Fay said. She lifted her feet to the table and leaned back in her chair.

"Oh." L turned his panda eyes to her. "Why?"

"For you letting that conman pose as Eraldo Coil. You know, that used to be my job."

"Hmm, yes." L stated. "I can see what you mean. But it was not my idea that Aiber would pretend to be Coil. He came up with that by himself."

"Still. You should've sent me to do that job. You know, I used to do those kinds of things all the time for you."

"I know. But this is different."

"How come this is different? I never messed up as Coil, did I?"

"It is not that Fay." L said, and frowned. He organized the sugarcubes in the plate into a pyramid. "But you have been out of the business for years. I needed someone who was ready now, someone with experience, someone I have worked with recently."

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