Chapter 9

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I don't think I let out a breath for a good three minutes until I feel the phone vibrate in between my knees, where I had set it face-down after sending the risky text.

"I don't want to look." After sending that particular request, I remember that he needed the rest of the weekend off of work. I assume he isn't around campus so I'm probably about to be rejected.

Alice snatches the phone away from my hands, scanning the screen, a smirk finding its way onto her face.

"He asked for our address!" She squeals. Alice runs her hands over the screen before I can object and said, "He's on his way! I'll make myself disappear." Alice tosses the phone back to me while picking up her bedding and popcorn crumbs from the couch.

This is way too good to be true. She has to be kidding. I look over the message and, I shit you not, he asked for the address, which Alice gave him. He said he'd be here in fifteen. So why did he need his shifts covered? This dude is getting more mysterious by the minute. He may need a second magnifying glass emoji.

I look down at my outfit, a pair of purple shorts and a black tank with a black bralette, knowing that I should probably change, but I honestly don't think he'll show. There's no way. Knowing how often his mood switches I'm guessing he'll change his mind when he's halfway here.

"Gemma. Why aren't you moving? You should probably help me clean up a little. And maybe put different clothes on? Well, maybe not. I think he'll like what you're wearing." Alice is grinning at me while continuing to pick up the living room. She didn't want to miss the chance to hype up my outfit apparently.

"I don't think he's actually going to show up. Even if he does, I don't care if he sees me in my pajamas. If he's worth keeping around he won't care." I shrug and walk to the bathroom to check out my face, trying to escape before Alice makes a remark about what I just said.

I look at my chin in the mirror, a faint bruise beginning to show from my fall on the floor, barely noticeable if you aren't looking for it.

Ugh, Alice is always starting some type of trouble. I draw my eyes over my body, admiring my plump curves. I thought I would feel more self-conscious considering the hottest guy I have ever seen is supposedly coming over but dancing with him the other night gave me increased confidence when it comes to him. Kieran obviously likes something about me. The way our bodies moved together that night and the sound of him growling in my ear proved that.

He saw me all done-up for a night out and it's only fair that he sees me without all the 'extra'. I fluff my hair to give it slight volume and check my teeth, giving them a quick brush. Good enough. I'm glad I showered before our movie marathon, that's for sure.

I hear Alice squeal quietly again, slowly getting louder as she nears the bathroom door.

"Gemma, there was a knock on the door. Go, go, go." She pushes me out of the bathroom and blows me another kiss, mouthing "bad bitch" and going to her room. I laugh at her, noticing she's been blowing me a lot of kisses lately.

I shake my head at her ridiculousness. To think, this all started out as a night to make her feel better and I guess this is what did the trick. I could take one for the team, especially if it meant spending some more time with Kieran.

Once I get to the door, I gently pull it open, revealing a leather-clad Kieran leaning against the door frame. His blue eyes meet mine instantly, causing a wave of heat to flush through my body. I feel myself get even warmer when his gaze moves down, pausing at my chest and again when he gets to my thighs. When he's done with his perusal, he meets my eyes again with a smirk.


"Hi. Want to come in?" My voice is slightly high, and I clear my throat, hoping he doesn't notice.

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