Chapter 47

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I've barely seen Kieran over the last week and a half because of finals. Our work schedules haven't been lining up and I've been stuck tutoring most of the time. On top of that, I have to study for my own finals. To say I'm stressed is an understatement. The lack of Kieran, and sex, isn't helping at all.

We've been sending naughty text messages back and forth but it's not the same. It's undeniably fun, but I miss his touch. Alice has caught me sulking a few times, so she usually throws some type of food at me to snap me out of it. A few minutes ago, it was a Hot Cheeto.

"God, I'm going to call Kieran here myself so you can just get laid already."

"Can you?" I look to Alice, completely serious.

"No! You nympho!"

I whine and turn a page in my psychology textbook. This blows.

Alice laughs at my discomfort, crunching on her chips. "It's nice to see you so sexually frustrated again. Now I'm not the only one."

"How are you sexually frustrated? You probably get more action than I do!"

She uses her point finger to tap her chin, thinking. "Eh, probably. Either way, there's only two days left of finals and then we're free for a whole month. Then you can do whatever with your man and we can spend some time together without all the drama."

I sigh in response. "I think there's going to be more drama than you think. I'm planning on reading Jillian's journals over the break. I don't know what I'm going to find. I'm a little anxious about the whole thing," I admit.

"Understandable. You know I'll be there if you need anything right? I know it will be a little weird for Kieran because you don't know if you should share things with him or not, so just call me if you want me to sit with you, okay?"

"Thanks, Alice." I give her a smile and then get back to studying. I look at my phone and sit up, realizing I have to run to the library to tutor one of my students.

After packing up my bag and putting on some more appropriate clothing, I rush off to the library. I end up being a few minutes early, my fast pace making up for my impending lateness.

I huff, catching my breath, as I sit on the first floor of the library at one of the tables in the corner. I start to unpack my bag when I hear a light cough. I turn my head and my body freezes. On instinct, I try to move backwards but my chair hits the wall.

"Please, don't be afraid Gemma."

"Zack, you need to leave."

His tan face looks tired, guilty. I don't even care. I'm scared and he can obviously see it on my face.

"I just wanted to apologize," he says as he takes a step forward.

I stand abruptly, the chair knocking against the wall loudly. A few heads turn in our direction, but they don't think anything of it. How can they not see how uncomfortable I am?

"I don't think we should be alone. If you want to apologize, we can find a time to do this when Kieran's with me."

His face contorts for a second at the mention of Kieran's name, but it's gone in a second. He replaces it with a sad smile.

"I'm really sorry about what happened at the club, Gem."

A cold shiver runs up my spine. "Do NOT, call me that."

"What? He's the only one who can have nicknames for you?"

"He is my boyfriend. You aren't. You aren't even my friend at this point. Now please, leave, before I make a scene. I don't think that would be so good for your basketball career, huh?" My voice sounds more confident than I feel. I notice we're starting to attract more attention now, but nobody has come to my rescue.

Zack turns red, his mouth turned into a scowl. "God, I should have known you were a bitch. I was trying to apologize but fuck it. Whatever." He waves his hand in the air and starts to walk away but something inside me explodes.

"Wait a damn minute." I stand tall and stomp towards him. He stops in his tracks and turns to me. My oversized sweatshirt isn't really helping my case on trying to look tough, but I'm working with what I've got.

"I am not a bitch. You came onto me, and I politely turned you down because I have a boyfriend. I thought we could move on, but you continued to push. When I finally decided I wasn't comfortable, I ended our tutoring relationship. Just because you tried to force me to kiss you when I was in a vulnerable position and I did something about it, doesn't make me a bitch. It makes you a massive douche who likes to take advantage of women." I pause to poke his chest with my pointer finger.

"Now, why don't you take a minute to look at your actions and see what you did wrong in this situation, because I sure as hell did nothing wrong. You better shape up, mister, otherwise I will report your ass and your basketball scholarship will surely be taken away and I'm guessing you wouldn't be able to attend school here anymore. Have I made myself clear?"

My breath is coming out heavily as my hand comes back to my side. This guy has pushed me to my limit. I'm done with him making me feel inferior and like he has something over me. I continue glaring at him. He finally nods, his eyes wide and face flushed. Zack looks around at the audience in the library and shuffles out quickly. I see a librarian a few feet away. I'm guessing she was coming over to tell us to quiet down, but now she looks at me like she's proud. She claps her hands softly and sends me a smile, walking back to her desk.

My face turns red, not used to the attention. I look around and see a few other girls in the library nodding at me in approval. I return the smiles and go back to my table. I notice the guy I'm supposed to be tutoring is sitting there with a huge smirk on his face.

"Hey, Ben. Sorry about that." I sit down and take a sip of my water. All of that talking made my throat sore.

"No need to apologize. That was great to watch. I've heard that he has quite a reputation, so he deserved that for sure."

I laugh and shake my head. I quickly text Kieran telling him I had a run-in with Zack, that I'm okay, and that I'll tell him about it later. Setting my phone down, I start to talk to Ben about what he wants to study.

My phone immediately goes off with a message. I read it and smile at his response.

Kieran: I heard already. The video is going around campus, spreading like wildfire. Proud of you, baby.

A video? Oh no. That will have consequences for Zack, I'm sure. Not my problem.

Another text comes in a few seconds later.

Kieran: Also, that was incredibly sexy. Can't wait to see you in two days and do so many dirty things to your body. I'll start with that smart little mouth of yours. ;)

I flush, my panties wet. I really need to get laid.


I step into the apartment, yelling out for the world to hear. "I'm free!" My last final ended twenty minutes ago, and I feel good about all the finals I took over the last week. Nothing else I can do now, only wait until the grades are posted.

Kieran should be here already, able to unlock the door with his spare key, but I don't hear anything. I look at the shoes by the front door and see his converse. Huh. He might be trying to scare me or something. I'm on high alert as I go towards my room. I know Alice isn't here because she has another final that will last at least a couple more hours.

With my bag on my shoulder, I walk to my bedroom door, ready for the worst. It's slightly open, but I kick it to make sure he's not hiding behind it. It doesn't hit anything, so I know that's safe. I peek in and see Kieran, naked, on my bed. Holy mother.

"Welcome home, Gem. Ready to get dirty with me?"

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