Chapter 37

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It's Saturday afternoon when I finally see Alice come through our front door. I'm in the kitchen sipping on my coffee, waiting for Kieran to be done showering. Alice catches sight of me and grunts, her hair messy and her silver, sparkly dress wrinkly from the night before.

"You look like hell."

She glares in my direction before covering one ear, the other hand holding a clutch.

"Inside voice, Gemma."

Alice plops on a stool and gestures for me to pour her some coffee. I roll my eyes and comply with her request. I hand her the mug, which she holds with two hands, closing her eyes as she takes a large gulp. After a few more sips, she finally opens her eyes.

"Okay, now you may speak."

"What happened to you last night?"

"I was with Tina. She took me to a club a couple of towns over in the city. We stayed at this weird hotel, and I made out with like three people." Before I can comment on anything, she starts giving me the details.

"Number one, he was hot as hell, but there was too much tongue. Number two was cute with nerdy-looking glasses, but he bit me. Not a sexy bite either. It drew blood, Gemma. Blood. And then number three, I can't even remember what he looked like, but I know he was a great kisser. So, I guess it was a good night. But the hangover is killer," she grunts and finishes her coffee. She slams the mug down a little too hard, causing her to cringe from the sound. "Ugh."

I stare at her, amused. "Sounds like a fun night."

Kieran comes through the hallway, his eyes shining in laughter.

"It definitely does."

Alice's eyes roll and scoffs. "Sorry we all can't be in loving relationships. You both make me sick with envy." She hops off the stool, grabbing her clutch. "I'm gonna go sleep this off. But I'm going out tonight if you both want to join. It's been a while, and we all know you need some fun," she winks at me as she starts to walk away.

"Again? You're an animal," I laugh. She flips me off and responds with an expletive, and then tells me to 'live a little'.

Kieran is now pouring himself a bowl of cereal, shaking his head. "She's incredible."

"Yeah, I know. I admire her. Always wanting to have fun and not afraid to do it. Something I've always wanted," I sigh, leaning against the counter.

I hear Kieran crunching on his cereal and it takes all I have in me not to squirm from the sound. Of course, he notices my discomfort and apologizes, walking to the table a few feet away so I can't hear him as much.

I'm such a handful. How can he love me?

As he finishes his bite, he gives me a scolding look as if he knows what I'm thinking. "Stop reading my mind, Kieran."

"Can't. It's too fun," he winks.

"What's up with everyone winking at me?"

He chuckles then, taking another bite and swallowing.

"Let's go out with her tonight. I think it will do us some good."

"Kieran, I don't know."

"Why not? We can do some dancing..." He winks again and opens his arms, summoning me.

"Stop it!" I laugh, walking towards him.

"Only if you agree to go out. It will take your mind off things."

"Okay, okay. You're right. Let's have some fun. Relive our early days, yeah?"

He nods and then pushes me up softly.

Gem in the RoughWhere stories live. Discover now