ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖

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Y/n's pov
I was up in my room preforming yet another puppet show with things from around my room. Klaus watched in excitement as the pencil and book got married and lived happily ever after, leaving the empty coffee cup villain to die.

"Yay!" Klaus cheered, smiling and jumping around like an idiot. "Coffee cup was defeated!"

Ben clapped and shook his head at his brothers behavior.

I used my telekinesis to put away all the various things I used for my show. It was peaceful for a few moments, until the stupid buzzer rang through the entire Academy.

We all jumped like scared cats at the sudden noise. We then proceeded to grumble curses and walk out of my room in annoyance.

Third person pov
The kids stood in a line according to their numbers, y/n gave a nervous glance over to Vanya who made the motion of someone getting a tattoo on her wrist. The colour out of Number Eight's face drained once she got the message.

"Today you will be recieving the mark of the umbrella academy." Sir Reginald announced.


The kids waited nervously sitting in chairs all beside the big red one where the tattoo artist was.

"Number One." Their dad called.

Luther stood up and hesitantly walked over and sat in the red chair. The buzzing of the machine rang through the whole academy as the ink sank into Luther's skin. He turned his head away and squinted his eyes really tight, waiting for it to be over.

The other siblings went up according to there orders until it was just Five, Six and Eight. She looked beside her to see Five scrunching his eyebrows in hatred and curling his fists, then look over at Ben who was nervously fidgeting with his hands.

"Number Five." Sir Reginald called, gesturing towards the chair.

Number Five stood up and stomped over to the chair, giving a harsh stare to the man as he started up the machine.

The tattoo artist went to start carving the ink into The Boy's skin, but his hand didnt move. It was frozen in place. Like there was an invisible fore field stopping it form moving.

Their dad knew who it was.

"Number Eight, stop this instance!"

Number Five turned his head to see y/n standing with her hand shot up, indicating that it was her doing it.

"You're hurting us!" She shouted back at their dad, dropping her hand, "Can't you see?!" The girl pointed over to The rest of her siblings crying and clutching their wrists in pain.

Kill him.

Let me out so I can kill him.

She couldn't hear it. She couldn't hear the voice this time. Only mumbling.

Tears started to fill her own eyes. Not tears of sadness. But tears of anger, hatred, and fear. Her dad motioned for the man to go on, Five squirmed slightly as the ink sank into his skin.

Y/n sat back down harshly and let the silent tears slide down her face.

"Number Six."

The girl closed her eyes as Ben sat in the chair. He winced and squirmed, Klaus held his free hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

Number Eight hated their dad. She hated him. All of his stupid training courses and not caring about his own children. She glared at him and watched as he purposely avoided her eyes.

"Number Eight." Her dad exclaimed, pointing at the chair.

Y/n walked up to the chair, slightly nervous with fear. A single tear ran down her face as she sat down, the buzzing of the machine started and the pain occured seconds later.

She exhale of pain and shut her eyes so tightly she could see stars. The needle dragged over her flesh, the pain level rose as the man retraced the needle over the old lines. After what felt like years the buzzing finally stopped.

Y/n stood up from the chair and walked away. She was now also clutching her wrist in pain as a few more tears came down her face.

The other children were in a big group hug, silently grieving with one another. Y/n joined them, squeezing herself right in the middle of everyone. Her sibling all towered over her due to her height, but she like the feeling of being safe. This was her favourite group of people, she would do anything for them.

"You are dismissed." Their dad stated bluntly.

The siblings went upstairs one by one disappearing into their rooms that matched their personalities so very well. Once y/n got to the front of her door frame she stepped inside and used her telekinesis to slam her door shut. The loud sound echoed through the quiet house.

She walked over and sat in the corner of the room, curling her knees to her chest and taking shaky breaths. Her mind acted like a prison as she sat staring off into space. She wondered what it was like to have a normal life. No training, no powers, no killing, no guns, no blood, and no tattoos until you wanted too.

Y/n absently flipped up one of the planks on her floor to reveal a coffee maker. A few years ago, she robbed it form a store. Paper coffee cups were stacked behind it and she grabbed seven of them. One for all of her siblings.

Number Eight wrapped a bandage around her wrist where her tattoo was, as it had started to bleed. She delivered each coffee cup and gave everyone a hug after doing so. (Minus Allison, who had just taken the coffee and shut the door. And minus Five who was was deep in thought and scribbling in his notebook.)

All of the Hargreevs children grieved in their rooms, wishing on everything that the pain would stop.

Luther was on his bed, wiping his tears and telling himself to suck it up. He was supposed to be leader, and leaders don't cry.

Diego was sitting with his mom on his bed, trying to stop crying by taking a stuttering lesson. He needed to get rid of it, it made him look weak.

Allison was under the covers of her bed sobbing and clutching the locket Luther gave her. She needed to be good enough for him, she needed to be enough to get his attention.

Klaus was in his room, smoking a joint to try and ease the pain. He needed to feel numb again, it's better that way.

Five was sipping the coffee she had made him. In his other hand, he was working equations in his notebook. He needed to time travel, he needed to prove he could do it.

Ben was reading a book, trying to distract himself from the pain. His tears soaked the pages, making him stop reading entirely. He found himself infront fo the mirror again, looking at what was underneath his shirt. He hated the beast inside him, he was a monster.

Vanya was drawing the same tattoo on her hand as her siblings with sharpie. She wanted to be like them, she didn't want to be ordinary anymore.

Y/n was laying on the floor like a starfish, thinking of all the pros and cons if she were to murder her dad. Her thoughts seemed to get carried away, getting gory and violent. But she couldn't stop thinking about it, the scenes played over and over until once again, she was trapped in her head. Her very own mind prison.

They were a broken bunch of kids. They were in pain. They were hurting. They were, and still are; The Umbrella Academy.

𝙳𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊 𝙳𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝.  ||Five x reader||Where stories live. Discover now