ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕪

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They were all caught off guard by the sound of bullets echoing through the building.

Y/n groaned, "What the hell is up with these guys?"

Thankfully for the orchestra behind Vanya, they were able to get themselves out.

"What happens to Klaus? He was supposed to be look out!" Deigo complained.

"Yeah, you surprised?" Luther replied sarcastically.

Five suddenly appeared, "What's with all the lollygagging?"

"Five, get down!" Luther shouted.

Y/n pulled him down beside her.

The Boy looked at her, "I leave you for an hour and this is what you get up to?"

"Five, what the... I thought you bailed on us!" Luther shouted over the loud noises of gunshots.

"I had an errand to run." He replied, getting an eye roll from y/n. "This is not good." The Boy commented, referring to the bullets that kept missing them.

"You know these guys?" Deigo asked.

"Yeah, I do." He replied.


"Well.." Five trailed off, "We're screwed."

"That definetly boosted my confidence." Number Eight grumbled sarcastically.

More armed men came into the theater. This time, Deigo was fast enough to throw four knives at four different men's chests. Klaus was next, running at them.

"Guys, its Cha Cha!" He shouted.

"Klaus! Get down!"

Number Four hurriedly dived behind a set of seats.

Number Five had enough of sitting and watching. He teleported on an armed man's back, causing the guy to flail around and pull the trigger randomly. Which happened to be right at the other Harvgreevs.

Y/n made herself invisible and hurdled rows of seats to make it to a group of armed men. She could actually jump really high from all the times she was target at target practice, back at the commission.

Number Eight used her telekinisis and snapped all three of the guy's necks. She then turned visible and took one of their guns, then started jogging back to her siblings, shooting men along the way. But, she didn't have much experience in shooting guns, so she was partly winging it.

Five saw this and though he thought she was doing okay, he yelled; "Y/n, hold it higher so it doesnt hit your stomach with the kickback!"

She took note and did what he said, running around him and saving his life by shooting two more guys.

Everyone was doing their best at trying to hold back these guys, and avoid getting shot. This was until Klaus's hands started to glow blue. The Umbrella Academy all stopped to take a look, temporarily stopping the battle.

Ben, emerged glowing blue. He wasted no time in pulling up his shirt and lashing out his inner beast. The tentacles ripped, teared, and choked out any armed men in sight.

Deigo, on the other hand, had another battle. He chased after Cha Cha behind stage, starting up another small fight.

Y/n's jaw dropped, and she stared in awe. She hadn't seen Number Six in years.

Luther was also shocked, "Oh my God, its him, its Ben."

Y/n chuckled in disbelief, "Bennie.."

Number Six had killed all of the armed men, and gave y/n a salute as he disappeared.

Klaus's hands went back to normal, and though he was out of breath, he was proud of himself. "Now whose the lookout?" He laughed in victory.

"Anyone but you!" Y/n piped, "I'm proud of both of you."

Klaus smiled knowing she was also talking about his ghost bitch, also known as Ben.

Number Six also smiled and gave a thumbs up to Klaus.

The attention then turned to Vanya. Her clothes and violin were turning as white as her pale skin. The more she played, the more power she grew.

Deigo ran back from behind stage, slightly out of breath.

"Oh, welcome back." Luther said sarcastically as he noticed his brother, "Where were you?"

"Honoring a memory." Number Two said shortly.

Number Eight gave a knowing smile and a pat on the shoulder. Which made Deigo smile faintly at her.

All the Hargreevs huddled in a circle.

"So, how do you wanna end this?" Y/n asked Luther.

"We surround her." He answered, "We come at her from all angles, alright?"

"So, it's a suicide mission." Klaus concluded.

"Yeah, but one of us could get through." Number Five consoled, "Its the only chance we've got."

"Are we all in?"

All the guys nodded, Luther looked at Allison for her answer. Which was the shake of her head.

Luther gave a frown but turned to Number Eight. She couldn't decide. It was a good plan, but, she didn't want to hurt her sister.

They didnt wait for her to state her answer, instead Number One started instructing the others.

"Stage left." He pointed to Deigo.

"Stage right." He pointed to himself.

"You guys take the front." He told Numbers Four and Five.

Y/n waited for no one to be looking at her, then turned invisible and slowly backed away.

I'm coming out, screw it.

Not yet, wait a few moments to see if they make it.

Everyone broke the huddle, and started to take positions.

Allison stopped Luther, but he shook his head and looked at her. "I'm sorry, Allison. There's no time, if she finishes this concert the whole world goes up in flames."

Number Three knew there had to be another way as she watched Number One run off.

All the boys waited for Luther's signal as they watched Vanya's power grow.

Y/n was watching too, but she had a different point of view. This was her sister, but she knew she wasn't herself at the moment.

"Now!" Luther shouted.

All the guys lunged on stage, inches away from snatching the violin. But, with another swipe of white light, Vanya had them floating many feet in the air by white force tentacles. She was slowly sucking the life out of them.

Alright, that's it. Come on out.

Eye-eye captain!

Black shadows swirled around and around the girl until a pair of red eyes emerged and the black smoke and shadows turned into Astaroth.

Y/n turned visible to reveal her own set of red eyes and black shadows.

"Show time!"

"You bet!"

Y/n threw her hands up and clashed her black shadows against Vanya's white force.

A white and black force battled in the center, trying to dominate one another. The shadows were slowly coming back towards y/n, and that's when Astaroth added her own.

Y/n felt the shadow surrounding her and was fueling off of it, she needed her sister back. She needed her right now. The shadows pushed farther back towards Number Seven, causing the white light to only grow in size.

Number Eight felt herself lift off the ground, her shadow was taking a lot out of her. The white light was almost touching Vanya, and with another push from y/n and Astaroth, it did.

𝙳𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊 𝙳𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝.  ||Five x reader||Where stories live. Discover now