ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕊𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟

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"Can someone please tell me who Leonard Peabody is?" Number Eight groaned when the car turned down another street.

"Well, you might be mad at Vanya." Diego consoled.

"I won't be. I'm never mad at her." She protested.

"Leonard, is Vanya's boyfriend." Allison muttered, knowing it was loud enough so the girl could hear.

"Oh." Y/n responded blankly, "I'm happy for her."

The disappointment in the girl was obvious. She was not disappointed at Vanya getting a boyfriend, she was disappointed that she didn't tell her.

"I didn't have a good feeling about him right from the start." Allison stated, shaking her head.

"So everyone knew, but me." Number Eight implied in a fake surprised tone, "So, does Vanya know that Leonard is actually Harold Jenkins?"

Everyone shook their heads and y/n sighed, "Great," she said sarcastically.

This is gonna be one hell of a time.

Easy for you to say, I'm the one who actually has to experience it in person.

I'm gonna take another nap just to rub it in.


Before anything else could be said, Diego stopped the car infront of a house. Everyone exited the car and walked through the lawn to get to the front door.

"Everyone be careful, we dont know what Peabody is capable of." Allison warned, glancing at Number Eight.

"Well, he didn't seem to dangerous when I last saw him." Diego commented, "Looked kinda scrawny."

Allison chuckled, "Yeah well, so do alot of serial killer and mass murderers." She pointed at Five, "I mean, look at him."

Five took this as a compliment, "Thanks." He smiled.

Allison headed off to find away in that wasn't the front door, which nobody seemed to see.

Y/n however, was standing infront of the guys garden. Crushing his little wooden figures he had in it, along with some gnomes and flowers.


Diego had dived through the glass on the front door in order to bust his way in. Y/n snapped out of her destroying stage and made it to the front door. Number Two groaned as he rolled on the floor in pain.

"Subtle." Allison commented sarcastically from beside Five.

Y/n twisted the doorknob and walked in with a straight face without saying a word. She closed the door and smirked at Deigo, "It was open."

Number Two suppressed an eye roll and got up off the ground with a groan. He picked some of the glass shards off his outfit, "Spread out," he told them, "Yell if you're.. uh, you know, in trouble." He then walked away like nothing happened.

"Ah, Inspiring leadership." Five complimented sarcastically, watching Deigo walk away.

"Fit to be a five star general." Allison followed.

"One of the greats." Y/n added.


They all parted their ways and looked around the house. Allison was upstairs reaching for a hatch she found, Deigo was eyeing a sheet with Vanya on it on the front of the fridge, Five was... no one ever knows what hes up to anyway, and y/n was looking around the living room.

She looked at picture frames to see if she could see Vanyas boyfriend modern photos. But, instead, she found multiple pictures of a little boy in different scenes. He looked very familiar, she just couldn't think of from where.

𝙳𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊 𝙳𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝.  ||Five x reader||Where stories live. Discover now