ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕪

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Back at the hospital, the patient started to stir and groaned as he fluttered his eyes open. The first thing he saw was Allison, Officer Cheddar, and y/n.

"Who, um . . . Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm Sargent Cheddar, and these are my... associates." Cheddar motioned to Allison and y/n.

I'm awake. It was a beautiful nap.

Oh, shut it.

The patient looked over to the pair, his eyes seemed to linger on Number Eight for a bit longer. Probably due to the fact there was a thirteen year old hanging out with people way older than her.

Ew. How young does this guy think you are? You're literally fifty-eight.

Holy shit, I'm old as dirt.

Whatever, it's about time you found out.

"I'm fifty-eight." Y/n hissed, watching the patient turn his head away and back to Cheddar.

"We just have a couple of questions for you."  Cheddar informed, also taking a quick glance at y/n and eyeing her suspiciously.

The man was afraid, "A-Am I in trouble?" He asked.

"No, no, nothin like that." Cheddar assured, "I just . . . I wanted to ask you about the accedient in Bearskin Tavern parking lot last night."

Y/n on the other hand, was so worried about Vanya that she could barely think straight. Her sister was probably still mad at her, considering she hadn't got a voicemail back. She didnt want to think of the other possible reasons why she hadn't heard from Number Seven. The way her eyes glistened with despair as she gave her the cold shoulder, showed that she was really upset at y/n. The thing was, Number Eight didn't know why.

"You're a cop." The injured man sighed, "you gotta protect me no matter what, right?" He asked, making sure it was safe to tell the guy everything.

"Its my sworn duty." Cheddar nodded curtly.

"It was no accident." He admitted.

"What do you mean?"

"This guy.." the injured man begun, "Hired us to start a fight. He wanted us to rough him up infront of his girlfriend. He paid real good, up front. We got drunk. Took it a little too far. We started to hassle the girl too. And then, all hell broke loose."

Number Eight could only imagine the worst scenarios. How had Vanya or Harold managed to make that much of a mess? Y/n thought for a moment, then thought of something almost impossible;

What if Vanya has powers?

Allison immediately started the questions. She was thinking the same thing as y/n. "The guy who paid you, what did he look like? Brown hair, light scruff, slight build?"

The man nodded, "Yeah. Yeah, that's him."

Officer Cheddar then started looking at Allison suspiciously, "Well, that's a.. a really good guess."

Y/n shot her sister a look to try and get her to stop talking, because she was blowing their cover. Allison wasnt looking at Number Eight, and kept going.

She pulled out a picture of Vanya out of her jacket, "is this the girlfriend?"

Officer Cheddar stepped in before the man could answer her question. "Hey, um, one moment."

He took Allison aside to have some sort of conversation with her.

Y/n however, stayed behind and moved towards the man, "Was that her?" Her voice was barely above a whisper.

𝙳𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊 𝙳𝚘𝚕𝚕 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝.  ||Five x reader||Where stories live. Discover now