An Unseen Relationship

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It was early morning when I started to feel the sunshine on my eyes from my window in my room. I tried ignoring it but eventually I couldn't take it as it was kinda hurting my eyes. Sure turning over was an option, but I was already comfortable so I didn't really want to move. I sat up and rubbed my eyes as I was ready to start off the day. I stretched out my arms and as my eyes were starting to adjust out the corner of my eye I saw that she did it again. I moved my hand over to her and flicked her head.

Gardevoir: Hey! Ow! What was that for?!

Her voice went in my head in a whining mad tone. She's been doing this a lot recently and it's not that big of a deal, but I still don't like it.

Connor: I told you, you can't be in bed with me. This is the fifth time you've done this.

Gardevoir: I'm sorry Master, but I just like it better her-

Connor: It's Connor, I've said that a million times too. I'm not your master, like I said I don't know what any of this is.

I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom so I can clear my mind while at least getting ready.

Gardevoir: Sorry that I made you mad.

Connor: I told you to stay out of my mind as well!

Gardevoir: Oop Sorry.

Man it's only been a week and my daily life has been basically this. I just got to keep going through this until I figure something out.

[Gardevoir POV]

I've done it again. It seems the only thing I can do is make him mad. He's been taking care of me even though he didn't have to. The least I could do is at least be helpful to him. It started a week ago when I was still on my own. I was living in the forest in the northwest region of Hoenn. I lived here for all my life so far ever since I was just a Raltz. I've tried to avoid other roaming Pokémon while I moved around there so I wouldn't have to fight. But I have been in a few scuffles with others, not that I wanted to. I try to avoid fighting anytime I can since I don't really causing pain nor getting hurt myself. Overtime I've evolved with those fights and managed to only fight with those who were really dangerous. I've also managed to avoid any wandering trainers as well. My telepathic powers have been getting stronger so I've been able to sense them and make sure I was out of sight. Life was a constant battle for me since I knew if those trainers caught me I'd be set up to battle who knows how many Pokémon. I've managed to keep myself out of trouble for a while now, but that's when I ran into more trouble that I can handle. While I was avoiding a trainer and his Pokémon I didn't notice the Gengar that was approaching me. Without warning it launched an attack on me causing me to get out from hiding. He hurt me a bit with its focus blast. I responded with a psychic to push it away and so I could run, but I missed as it dodged the attack. Then I could see it charging up its shadow ball. I knew this would be a whole lot of trouble for me but I couldn't move since I was pretty hurt from the attack. Then that's when I saw it suddenly stopped. He just stood there with his eyes dilated almost as if under hypnosis, and when I looked behind I saw a hypno with a trainer.

Connor: Good job Hypno now keep it like that until we're done.

That's when I first met him.

Connor: Hey are you alright?

I backed away scared since I didn't want to be anyone's Pokémon. I passed that message to him telepathically and he nodded as he heard it.

Connor: Hey don't worry I'm not a trainer. Right now I'm only looking over these Pokémon for a friend. You look badly hurt though and right now I think going to the medical bay will be good for you. I will have to put you in this however.

(Pokémon) Gardevoir x TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now