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They both sat at the table across from each other. It's been about a day since the incident happened and in that time Gardevoir couldn't even stand to look at Connor in the eye. She only looked down at her lap twiddling her fingers in silence with her face still a bright red every time she thought about it. Connor also had a blush on his face but he was able to look at Gardevoir, just waiting until he could say what he wanted to. Eventually after a moment of silence Connor was able to speak.

Connor: Uh Gardevoir I ..... you're not.....

He struggled to find the right words. She only took small glances at him as he tried but quickly looked away when he looked at her.

Connor: What I'm trying to say is that, I'm not mad about what you did okay!

She looked over at him surprised

Gardevoir: Y-your ...... your not?

Connor: No, I can't really blame you for something like this and honestly it's kinda my fault.

Her eyes shot up as he spoke. Could he have possibly also shared these feelings as well? Her mind was filled with the possibility that Connor was holding back on how he felt.

Gardevoir: W-what do you mean?

Connor: I mean I should have been able to see it, but I guess I was just trying to convince myself it wouldn't be true.

Gardevoir: Oh Connor I'm so glad yo-

Connor: You're in your mating season.

Gardevoir: W-what?

Connor: You've probably been like this for a little while and I should have been more attentive so that this wouldn't have happened.

Gardevoir: Oh..... yeah, that's why.

Connor: I'm sorry Gardevoir, I know it must've been embarrassing doing that.

She simply nodded her head not wanting to tell him the truth.

Connor: We'll I'm gonna give Veronica a call, she's the one who knows more about this stuff.

He stood up and went for his cellphone. Gardevoir shot up and ran over to him grabbing his hand.

Connor: H-hey what's wrong Gardevoir?

Gardevoir: P-please don't tell her. I-I can handle this really, I don't need help.

Her face was red and she was hoping he wouldn't, because he'd discover that Gardevoir mating season isn't even close.

Connor: Okay, okay I won't. But please control it, I really don't want what happened to happen again.

He put his phone away and Gardevoir let go letting out a sigh of relief. Connor looked at the time and saw it was almost time for bed, so he started to get ready. In the meantime, Gardevoir was worried that she would act out again if something were to excite her. She tried clearing her, thinking of only pure things. It was hard but she started to get the hang of it until-

Connor: Gardevoir!!

She jumped and nervously looked back to the direction of where she was called.

Gardevoir: Y-yes?

Connor: Are you going to bed?

Gardevoir: Oh right, I'm going.

She went into the room where her bed was set up next to him. Connor was getting himself comfortable in bed, while Gardevoir was just getting into hers. She tried to sleep when she was finally comfortable, but it was hard. Her mind kept reminding her of the embarrassing moment between her and Connor. Redness spread over her face as she tried to make it go away. After a while she fell asleep. As she was dreaming she was in the house just like she would be, but it was different. She wasn't able to tel how but there was a strange setting. As she was trying to figure out exactly what was wrong, Connor came into the room and sat down on the couch.

(Pokémon) Gardevoir x TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now