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The doorknob shakes as keys from the outside shake. Voices can be heard behind it arguing back and forth. Finally the doorknob turns and the door opens by a kick revealing Connor in a nice suit and tie. In his arms Serena was in a white dress and veil, Lucille had a special white dress almost like her green one. She was sitting on his shoulders around his neck. She wasn't heavy at all which was why she was the one in his shoulders.

Serena: There you see I knew you could do it.

Connor: It would've been easier if I put you down for a second.

Serena: Yeah right, and lose these arms holding me? No sir!

He walked them both into the room and instantly dropped Serena onto the couch.

Serena: Hey that's kinda a harsh way to treat a newly wedded bride.

Connor: We'll it comes with the package you signed up for. Lucille mind coming down?

She gave him a nod and she slowly crawled down giving him a peck on the lips as she hovered to the ground.

Connor: Well as much as I'd like to spend more time with you girls. I think I'm just going to lay down in bed for a while and rest.

Serena: Rest?! Come on, you got two stunning wives here that you just married. There's still one thing left to be done to complete this day.

She sat up giving him a seductive smile. Lucille catching on to what she meant made her eyes light up with joy.

Connor: As much as I'd enjoy that, I really need to-!!

Without warning his lips were instantly met with Lucille's, pushing him back to his rooms door. Serena following and opening the door to let the two in. With Serena also pushing him back trying to get some action as well it was no use for him to fight. They all landed on the bed, Lucille letting him go and both catching their breath. She began to undress him as he laid there helpless, Serena also helping from behind.

Connor: How did it come to this?

He thought to himself as they continued to Caress his body. His mind went back to that very moment, where he found out about Lucille's pregnancy.


Serena: Connor! Connor wake up!!

Lucille: Connor please!! Wake up!!

The two were shaking Connor unconscious body. When Lucille confirmed his question about laying an egg, he fainted.

Serena: Okay we have to stop nothing is working. We should just get him on the couch.

The two carried him inside and laid him down. Lucille pacing around worried about what she should do.

Serena: Hey calm down it's alright we just gotta wait until he wakes up and you can talk about it.

Lucille: Yeah yeah you're right, it's just that well this wasn't supposed to happen.

Serena: What do you mean?

Lucille: I did some research after we... uh we- well after we did it for the first time. and Uhh well I read that humans couldn't impregnate... Pokémon. But after I started to feel a little strange I kinda checked and found out. I didn't think that going to the center would reveal this!! Oh my GOSH!! What if they know Connor did it?!

Serena: Lucille! Calm down I don't think they'll be able to know that. We just have to wait okay? Take some deep breaths and relax.

She started to control her breaths and sat down. She smiled at her

(Pokémon) Gardevoir x TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now