True Feelings

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The day was over pretty quickly. Connor had just finished his work at the center, taking care of the Pokémon assigned to him. It was a lot more troublesome since the Pokémon he watched after didn't exactly like new people. Though they came around to him after today luckily. He looked at his phone to check the time, 8:30. Hopefully Gardevoir had slept through the day and wasn't waiting on him to get back. As he was walking by there was a outdoor  food place that had a group of  people celebrating outside. It looked like it had just recently opened since he'd never seen it until today. Then again he hasn't really walked down this way for a while. But as he walked by, one of the people from the crowd seemed to see him and after a few seconds called out to him.

Veronica: CONNOR!!

He stopped in his tracks and sighed knowing very well who just called out to him. He turned around and saw Veronica frantically waving to him. There was a short time where he thought about going over there or pretending he didn't see her in the group of people and keep walking. Though it was short thought since he didn't want to seem mean and shamefully walked over to her.

Veronica: Hey look at that, what is it like 3 times now we bumped into eachother.

Connor: I wouldn't count this as "bumping" into each other.

Veronica: Aw come on, here have a drink.

She holds up a bluish red drink, but holds up his hand refusing it

Connor: Thanks but I just got off work and I'm feeling kinda tired. What with this anyway, did something happen?

Veronica: We're just having a night out with friends that's it. Speaking of work, no wonder you didn't answer when I knocked on your door. I thought you were ignoring me.

Connor: Oh well thanks for coming at least. Maybe next time I'll join you.

Veronica: I'm gonna hold that up to you then. So you'd better join.

He chuckled and nodded, but Connor suddenly had the question pop up in his mind. Should he ask her? Gardevoir did say that she didn't want her to know, but it is for her sake. After debating if it was right or not, he decided it was best for Gardevoir.

Connor: Hey Veronica, can I ask you something?

She nodded her head

Connor: How do you deal with the mating season of a Gardevoir?

She began to laugh out loud causing everyone else to turn and look at her.

Connor: Hey stop it! Your getting us stares!

Veronica: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just that it was way too funny the way you asked. But anyway you'd just need to take them to a daycare and tell them about it. Though it doesn't start until 5 months.

"Though it doesn't start until 5 months" . Those words echoed in his head. That can't be right, it has to have started otherwise what Gardevoir did meant that.... That. A red blush grew on his whole face as he slowly backed away from the group.

Veronica: Connor? Are you okay?

Connor: I have to go! Thanks for the talk Veronica!

He turned and made his way back to the house running. He tried his best to think of a reasonable explanation to why Gardevoir lied to him about it. None of them made sense, except only one. Every time he thought about it, it made him feel more happy then it should of. Why did he feel like this? This is wrong isn't it? His house was in the distance and he had to quickly stop his thought process from fear of having Gardevoir read it. If she found out what would happen and what would she do? He approached the door and shook himself off from any of those thoughts. Grabbing his keys, he unlocked the door and opened it. His head peered around the door checking to see if she had woken up, but there was no sign of anyone in the kitchen or living room.
The house was quiet so he entered and put his things away trying not to make noise and wake up Gardevoir. He looked at the time and it was already 9:00pm, he was hungry so decided to make some food before heading to bed. Though as he was getting some the supplies to make some scrambled eggs, he heard the door to his room open. A woken Gardevoir comes from his room wiping her eyes from the long sleep she just had.

(Pokémon) Gardevoir x TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now