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Morning comes after a the night of a loving connection. Sunlight came through the windows and lit up the room, hitting onto Lucille's face. She groaned and squinted from the light burning her through her eyelids. She slowly opened her eyes as she yawned. She scratched her eyes and stretched out, a bit dazed from the night before that she still hasn't remembered yet. It wasn't until she saw who was next to her that everything began coming back to her. Connor was lying there asleep, suddenly she was filled with joy. They were finally able to do what she wanted to most and she didn't even have to force him into it. She giggled to herself as she looked at his sleeping face.

A few seconds later, he also began to wake up. Slowly opening his eyes to the sight of Lucille smiling at him with her head resting on his chest.

Lucille: Good morning, Master.

She giggled to herself. He let out a tired groan as he stretched and looked at her.

Connor: Morning, Lucille. How are you feeling?

Lucille: Amazing! I can't believe we finally did it! I love you so much!

She moved up and gave him a kiss, but something was off about it. He wasn't kissing back and after a few seconds she released it to look at him.

Lucille: Are you okay Connor?

He sat up and put a hand to his face as he thought about last night.

Connor: Lucille, did I do it, inside you?

Lucille: You mean your seed? Yeah lots of it look

She started removing the sheets to show but he quickly stopped her.

Connor: Thank you Lucille but I don't need to see that! God this is bad.

Lucille: But why, is something wrong?

Connor: It could be, you could get pregnant didn't you think about that?

Lucille: Oh that? Don't worry humans and Pokémon can't produce offspring. I learned that a while back when I uh- did some research.

She looked down with a red face from embarrassment. Hearing that Connor let out a sigh of relief. It's not that he wasn't ready for a kid, but he could already imagine the conversations he was going to have with Veronica and his other friends.

Connor: Well at least I don't have to worry about that anymore. We should both get cleaned up. I'll start the shower for you and I'll go after.

After putting something on to cover up, He went into the bathroom and turned on the shower, Making sure it wasn't to hot or cold. He called in Lucille who was readily waiting outside with a towel. She came in covering up herself in it. He was caught off guard as she came in, he couldn't help but stare at her. She looked really pretty covered in only that towel since it almost matched her pale white skin. Lucille let out a small cough snapping him out of his stare.

Connor: Oh uh- here it's all ready for you.

He began to walk to the door before he felt a tug on his sleeve. Lucille was holding onto it, not making eye contact but had blush on her face.

Lucille: D-do you think we can maybe... shower together?

Connor: Don't you think it'd be better to shower alone?

His voice was a bit flustered from the idea with red spreading across his face.

Lucille: We'll be saving water if we do it at the same time.

She looked up and gave a weak smile trying to convince him.

Connor: I don't think saving water is your intention here Lucille.

(Pokémon) Gardevoir x TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now