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Gardevoir was left embarrassed over the situation she was in. She had forgotten that even though she's a Pokémon, she's has a lot more features than other Pokémon that are human. Especially in her more private areas - and she has just shown them blissfully unaware about her situation. She kept on beating herself up about it, but some small part of her felt a bit content she could make him feel that way. As her mind calmed down a bit she continued to finish her shower and just apologize to her as soon as she finished.


I can't believe she just stood there fully naked! How could she not know that something like that can is a no?! I can't even stop thinking about it and it's not like I want to. Calm down, I just have to keep my mind clear or at least try to. I didn't even know Gardevoir a could take off this dumb thing. Whatever there's no use in arguing to myself on what I should've done there. I threw her dress into the washing machine along with some other clothes of mine. I really have to clear my mind before she finishes, knowing her she might take a look in there and think of me as some kind of pervert who's into Pokémon. I sit down on my couch to watch something until the timer on the washing machine dings so I can move it to the dryer. There's nothing really good on, but I find a channel and watch it for a good amount of time. It was getting dark so it was about 7 o'clock when the alarm rang and I moved the dress into the dryer. Gardevoir was taking a while to clean up so I started to get a bit worried as to why she was taking so long.

I go into my room and walk towards the closed bathroom door and knock on it this time. "Hey Gardevoir, you okay in there? I don't hear the shower on anymore. Did you finish?" I asked her putting my ear up to the door. "Oh yes I finished a while ago, I just wanted to wait here until my dress was clean. Is it almost done?" She asked me getting closer. "It just has to dry off and then it should be good. But you don't have to stay in there if you don't want to. Just cover yourself up with the towel alright." I walk away and I feel like I probably shouldn't have gave her that option, but what was I gonna say now, Don't come outside? It doesn't matter at this point anymore - I don't think this could get any more worse. "Ooh can I pick something to watch?" I hear her ask behind me. I look back and almost instantly regret that decision. She's covered herself in the towel and everything but I just can't seem to look at her just yet. "Yeah here just take the remote." I say turning my head back and handing it to her. "Yay!" She grabs it out of my hand and climbs over the couch to sit down a few inches away from me. I scoot over a bit away just so we aren't that close as she searches the TV for a channel to watch. "Ooh what's that?!" She says intrigued by a cake commercial for a shop that opened up. "That's cake, you know what that is right?" I asked her. "Yeah, but I've never actually tasted or seen one like that!" She eagerly points with her finger as she gets close to the TV. She was using both her hand to point and her towel was slowly coming undone. "Gardevoir your towel! Please watch it!" I said turning away and covering my eyes. "Oh right!" She puts her hand back on it. Just then the beeping of the dryer goes off signaling that the clothes have finished drying. I got up and walked over to clear the clothes of the machine. I got her dress and it was nice and warm but most importantly dry. "Here Gardevoir, you can't put this back on now." I say as I hand give her, her dress. "Awesome thanks Connor!" She gives me a hug and I would've felt good about it if it went for the fact she's literally naked with nothing but a towel covering her. Wait that's basically the same even if she has her dress on isn't it? Damn it, it's like she's trying to get me excited. She let go and went to the room to put it back on which I was a bit impressed I didn't have to tell her to do that. "Ahhh It's nice and warm. Thanks again." I told her it was no problem and gave her a smile. As I sat back down I noticed the time —9:30! I didn't realize how much time passed! "Alright Gardevoir it's time to get to sleep." I say turning off the TV and heading into my room.

"Aw can't I stay up myself? Please I'll be quiet." She begs me and gives me a puppy dog glare. I sigh but grant her request. " Just make sure your not too loud and remember you sleep anywhere that's not my bed." She nods and rushes back to the couch and turns on the TV. I turn back and head straight for my bed to finally sleep and hope tomorrow might be a bit better.


Yes he actually let me stay up! This has to mean that he's warming up to me. I still can't believe he saw me naked. How could I be so stupid enough to not understand that's not a good thing. I have to make it up to him somehow, today would've been great if it wasn't for that. Hold on. I turn around to see Connors computer then I check to closed door to his room. He wouldn't mind if I went on it, would he? I slowly got up from couch and left the TV playing so that he would still think I'd be on it. I pulled out the chair and sat down. Okay now how do I turn this thing on? Maybe one of these buttons do something? I pushed down all the little letters on the rectangle board I see him use. None of them did anything, but I remembered that the box under the table had a button as well. Sure enough I saw a big button with a circle on it and pushed it. The lights came on and the screen brightened up.

Okay now that I turned it on I have to find the internet thingy. He used this little 'mouse' thingy to move the arrow in screen and then I just have to click on the icon - bingo. Then I click the search box and... I looked back just to make sure Connor wasn't awake. After making sure I was alone I clicked on the search engine and thought what exactly should I do? How to make someone happy? Nah he already seems happy from what I can sense I just make him a bit frustrated. So then, he does seem stressed and I want to get more of his approval. I want to make him pleased with me, so that I'm not just some clumsy Pokémon. That's it! I know exactly what to search for . H-o-w t-o p-l-e-a-s-e a m-a-n and search. Aha, I knew I would get some answers! Hmm, strange most of these say that pleasing them requires them to be in bed. Oh well that's easy he's already on it now let's just click on the first one and see what it says.

(Pokémon) Gardevoir x TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now