Strange things are happening

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She put her hands around his neck and pulled him in deeper into the kiss. Every second he was held there, he lost more of the willpower to push her off. His hands slowly slid down to her side and held her. She was so much warmer and softer than Lucille. Not to mention she was more plump and curvy.

Finally after a few seconds they broke from the kiss with strands of saliva stretching from their lips. They looked into each others eyes breathing heavy, with Serena letting a smile grow across her face.

Serena: I should start listening to more of your advice hehe.

His state of mind was still in uncertainty. He kissed her. Did this count as cheating on Lucille? He didn't want to, but he enjoyed it. With a shake of his head and groan of confusion he stepped to the side of her. She looked at him not know what was going on.

Serena: Connor? Are you okay?

Connor: I... I can't do this Serena!

Serena: W-what... What do you mean?

Connor: L-Lucille... She's... my-

Serena: O-oh, I understand.

Connor: Really?! I'm surprised your not, weirded out or anything.

A great feeling of relief shot up inside of him. He thought he had to give a very in depth explanation about his relationship with Lucille, but maybe Serena didn't need it. That's what he thought.

Serena: It's okay, I know Gardevoirs are really possessive of their trainers. But I'm sure if we can explain it to her she'll know that you two will still be friends.

Connor: Yeah I know sh- wait what..

Serena: It's okay I don't want you guys thinking I'm gonna come in between you two and ruin your trainer-Pokémon bond. Let's just go and tell her!

She ran off almost instantly when she finished that statement.

Connor: Wait! SERENA HOLD ON!

He ran after her still shouting. She was a bit faster than him which he wasn't expecting. He could his house in the distance making him panic as he tried to catch up. With a sudden burst of speed he was. Just before she could reach the door he pushed her up against the wall of the home, putting them in a reverse situation with him pinning her.

Serena: Oh what? Did you want a second round of this?

She teased at him preparing her lips again for a kiss, instead she got a finger pushed against them as he looked at her.

Connor: Listen maybe it's better if we wait until tomorrow to tell her. Just to give some time to actually know what to say to her.

Serena: Oh right yeah sorry, I kinda jumped the gun there.

Finally catching his breath he got his composure back knowing he had some time. Maybe if he explained everything that happened to Lucille, everything can be alright. After they knocked Lucille opened the door for them and let them in. He got right into the kitchen and resumed his dinner making now with the ingredients. The thought of kissing Serena still on mind, he tried to erase it. If Lucille catches a glimpse of that if she decided to look in his mind at the wrong time, There's no telling what would happen.

After about half an hour the Spaghetti was finally finished. The table was set up and everyone sat down . Lucille took a seat next to Connor and Serena sat on the other side beside him. Rowlet flew over and sat on the floor where Connor had put some food for him. Everyone was served and they began to eat. Well one of them was trying to figure out how exactly to. Lucille observed how Connor and Serena were using their forks and she tried to copy their technique. Connor would swirl up the spaghetti onto his fork, but Serena simply scooped up and slurped them up. She tried Serena's way but as she slurped, the sauce went all over since she was using a bit too much force. They laughed as they saw her face stained in tomato paste. She frowned and pouted as she sat there still not knowing how to eat it right. Connor got a napkins and licked it so that it would be easier to wipe the sauce off of her. He put his hand under her chin making her look at him as he cleaned her. She felt hot as he cleaned her, looking at his eyes. She placed her hand on his arm that was holding her. They both exchanged a smile, leaving Serena feeling as if she's watching something transpire.

(Pokémon) Gardevoir x TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now