Out of Hand

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The next day came as I felt the sun come up and go over my eyes. I hate when that happens because then it means I have to get up. Surprisingly though I had a very relaxing sleep and I didn't feel tired at all as I got up. Gardevoir seemed to not be in bed this time as well so that's another bonus. I did let her stay up too so that might be the reason why. With one final stretch I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and use the toilet. After I finished that I made my way out of my room to see where Gardevoir was. She's not on the couch? Then where— there she is. I walked over to see Gardevoir heavily sleeping on my desktop where my computer was. "Hey Gardevoir wake up." I said as I shook her a bit.

"I didn't do it!" She exclaimed before falling back with the chair. "What didn't you do exactly?" I asked wondering what she meant. "O-oh nothing just well- I kinda went on your computer without permission. Aren't you mad?" She said innocently twiddling her fingers in front of her. "No I'm not mad. I'm just surprised you fell asleep on here." I said lifting her up from the floor. "Okay well I'm gonna head out to the store really quick. I forgot some things I needed for this week, you want to come with?"

"Come... with you? T-thank you but I think it's best if I stay here and wait for you. I'll clean up while your gone." She said with a smile. That was strange she's usually always taking the chance to go out when she can. If that's what she wanted I wasn't going to argue, plus it was only going to be for a few minutes. "Alright then just don't burn down the place alright?" I said chuckling at the end. She giggled and swore she wouldn't. I waved goodbye and made my way to the store.


I waved goodbye to him and waited until he was fully out the door where he wouldn't see me. I ran to his bed and screamed into the covers as everything started to overwhelm me. I can't believe I didn't go with him, I wanted to so bad! It's because of last night that I'm feeling all weird now. After I searched up 'How to pleasure a man' I clicked on one site that kept mention this thing called 's-e-x'. So out of curiosity I searched it on the computer and it basically meant breeding! But the worst part is, I didn't stop there. When I searched it up I clicked on one of the sites that came up for it and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was full of humans mating and all other kinds of strange things that they'd do. I couldn't help myself so I clicked on one of the videos and strangely enough... it made me feel... tingly. I began to feel so hot and my breathing was out of control as I saw what was going on. Eventually I just exited out of everything and turned it off, but the images were planted in my brain.

I really am a perverted Pokémon aren't I? No, why would I think that? I was just curious and that's it, there's no harm in being curious about these things. I'm just gonna sit down and watch TV until Connor comes back. With that in mind I got up and went to the living room to do just as I said. Then something popped inside my head that I wish I never thought about. What if Connor wanted to do that 's-e-x' thing with.. me? All of a sudden I began to feel so hot and my lower region started to feel tingly again. It was such a strange feeling and it only starts when I think about Connor doing that sort of thing. I moved my hand down to see if it was anything I could do to stop it. As I made contact with my lower part I instantly felt a wet substance. What... is this? Could this be from the reaction I was giving? Is this what usually happens when people feel like this? Oh no it's dripping all the way down to my leg and onto the floor. I have to clean this up before he gets here, if he sees me like this, he'll surely think I'm disgusting.


Okay now where are- Aha! There they are. Bandages were the last thing on the list. I'm going to need them just in case me or any other the Pokémon get hurt while I care for them. I got snacks, toys, and other things to help me since this week I'm gonna have my hands full. As soon as this day is over I'm having the rest of the week to work. I wonder if I should get Gardevoir anything. She didn't get to enjoy her soda last time. I guess I'll get her one since she spilled hers. As I walk over to the aisle for the sodas I see Veronica there as well. I try to hurry past the aisle but it's too late. "Connor! Hey over here!" I hear her call out to me as she runs to me. "Oh hey Veronica, I didn't see you there." I said with my best impression of being unaware.

(Pokémon) Gardevoir x TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now