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After they arrived home Connor decided to make something to eat, Lucille said she wasn't hungry so he made only for him. He got some frozen pizza and began to put it in the oven to cook. He was feeling lazy so he wasn't gonna put effort into food. As he was waiting on the couch for the ding, Lucille walked in.

Connor: Hey so how'd it go with the Marcus's Lopunny? You guys seemed to already be friends.

Lucille: Oh yes Eva and I had a lot in common.

She walked over to him and sat down on his lap. He was a bit flustered by her sudden action but he let her be.

Connor: U-Uhm you okay Lucille?

She stays quiet and rests her head on his chest before saying anything.

Lucille: Eva let me know something about human and Pokémon relationships when we were talking.

Connor: Lucille, you didn't just bring it up did you?

Lucille: N-no I didn't, sorta, I was kinda looking through her mind and well... she also has feeling for her trainer.

Connor: Cant wait to see how he deals with that.

Lucille: Hehe yeah, but she told that relationships like this are common. Though some people might be a bit disgusted by it.

Connor: And what do you think about it?

Lucille: I don't want you to be neglected by others because of me.

Connor: That's very thoughtful of you Lucille, but I don't really care what others think or even say about me. I care about you and you've become someone really important to me. I'm not gonna stop caring because some people think it's wrong.

She smiled at him and began to get teary.

Connor: Don't cry Lucille.

Lucille: Hehe sorry, if I keep doing that I'll ruin all your shirts. But thank you, your the best master a Pokémon could have.

He smiled back at her and pats her as he gives her a kiss on the head. She grows bright red on her cheeks.

Connor: Can't believe how much I changed from just having you here.

She giggles as he ruffles her hair.

Lucille: I know, guess you're pretty lucky I came along.

They stared into each others eyes sharing a moment as they both began to lean closer. Their eyes half closed as they were about to meet with their lips until, the smell of something caught Connors attention making him break from the tender moment.

Connor: The pizza, sorry Lucille!

He moved her over the side on the couch and ran to it. She was stunned and a bit angry having her kiss stolen by a pizza. Back in the kitchen Connor was saving the food that almost burnt and put it out to cool.

Connor: Phew that was close. It almost burnt.

He said coming back to Lucille who wasn't facing him. She was laying down on her stomach on the couch, with her feet up and arms crossed. She made sure he knew she was upset by making a pouty face. He was a bit confused but realizing he messed up a kind of special moment he caught on.

Connor: Aw hey I'm sorry Lucille, the food would of burnt and maybe caught fire.

She didn't answer and only made a pouting noise. Suddenly there was ringtone coming from the area. Connor knew it was his phone but he couldn't see where it was, he had left it right where he sat, but it's not there. Then he turned to see Lucille smirking dangling the phone in front of him as she hid beneath a blanket.

(Pokémon) Gardevoir x TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now