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(Slight lemon)

Gardevoir didn't have any idea what to do with herself now that these feelings have shown themselves. Her mind went into chaos when she thought about Connor, even if he simply spoke to her she would go crazy. The past two days she was only able to relieve some of the urges she had when he went to work, but now he had the day off along with tomorrow making things more difficult. She was laying sitting on the couch watching TV while Connor was on the computer. Though she seemed calm her body was shaking and was agitated just being in the room with him.

Gardevoir: S-so Connor uh.... Are you going to go anywhere today?

Connor: I don't think so, I don't really need anything. Why?

Gardevoir: Oh j-just wondering.

Though she was happy he wouldn't be leaving it was also bad since that means she wouldn't be left alone. Connor finished his time on the computer and decided to join Gardevoir on the couch.

Connor: Anything good on?

Gardevoir: W-what? Oh uh, not really just some cartoon show.

Connor: Oh well maybe it might be good.

He sat down with his legs crossed and arms back as he watched the show. It was about a man who could restart every time he died and they watched a few episodes together. Eventually one of the episodes showed a girl confessing her feeling to the main character, but she was rejected since he's already fallen for another girl. Gardevoir was so interested in the story and felt bad for her thinking that maybe if she were to do that, Connor might tell her the same. She looked over at him but he was already asleep probably for a while. She made a grumpy face at him but couldn't stay mad at him and broke into a smile. If only I had the courage to tell you how I felt. She thought to herself as she looked at him. He looked so vulnerable and precious. Her body grew warm as she got closer to him and her breath became heavy. She was right beside him and she could feel as if she was about to explode. She reached a hand out to him just to caress his face, but Connor suddenly moved and began to fall over right on her. She almost gasped but stopped herself by covering her mouth with her other hand. He was laying right on her legs and his arms were wrapped around them. This was bad, this new feeling of being touched filled her with exhilaration. She had to free herself without waking him up. She carefully began to remove his arms and slide out her legs. Since she didn't have feet it was easy sliding out her smooth slender legs. Finally she was free but her lust wasn't gone. This whole thing was too much for her, but how could she do anything if he was still there asleep. Asleep. Maybe I'll have enough time before he wakes up. She walked over to the bathroom in his room and hesitantly looked back in the living room before shutting the door. She went to the seat and sat down spreading her legs and taking off her panties revealing her wet slit. It was beginning to run down her legs since the situation she was in excited her. She wasted no time in putting her two fingers inside her sex and fingering herself. She began to pant and sweat as she continued even massaging her breast as she did. Her thoughts were filled with different situations and each all invoked Connor making love to her. One where he would dominate her mercilessly as she begged him to stop, another where she was the one to take control, and even one where they both enjoyed it. All these thoughts and brought her closer and closer to her big climax as she picked up the pace.

In the living room Connor was beginning to wake up. He looked yawned and stretched his arms out as he looked around. The TV was still on and the sun was going down. He looked at the clock, 6:15 it said. He rubbed his eyes and stood up to turn off the tv and looked back wondering where Gardevoir was.

Connor: Gardevoir? Where are you?

He looked into the kitchen and looked around until he made his way to his room. He didn't see her but saw the light on in his bathroom with the door closed. Gardevoir had no idea he was awake since the sounds of her own pleasure were keeping her from hearing the outside. As he got closer he could heard his name called out load from the bathroom. "Connor! Connor!" Thinking Gardevoir was in some sort of trouble. He quickly opened the door.

Connor: Gardevoir what's wrong!? What hap-!

He was met with Gardevoir fully exposing herself with both of them now making eye contact. The two stared at eachother with Connors face quickly turning to a bright shade of red.

Gardevoir: C-Connor I-...This isn't what it looks like!

Connor: I-im sorry! I didn't k-know... I didn't see anything!

He covered his eyes and tried to make his way out. But he was pulled back and pushed onto the bathroom floor, facing up, with the door closing behind him.  Gardevoir quickly then went on top of him and covered his mouth as he mumbled trying to speak.

Gardevoir: L-listen Connor there's a g-good reason fo~!

But just as she was about to explain herself, a shock of pleasure went right through her body. She didn't know what caused it until she looked down and saw she was grinding her sex against his. Without controlling herself she began to move up and down on him. She's never felt like this before even when she did it herself, this new feeling made it almost 10x better. She tried to stop herself but it was impossible. What am I doing~? I'm on him like a horny animal! Those were her thoughts as she continued, while Connor could only look in shock as she did. Finally with one final thrust on him she came to her climax spurting her juices onto him and laying on him.

Gardevoir: I'm so sorry..... so very very sorry Connor.

A/N: Okay yes finally a new part and I know I said I was going to add more faster but life seems to always be like "No". but anyway hope you guys enjoy and I'll be sure to do more as fast as I can.

(Pokémon) Gardevoir x TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now