Wrong Idea!

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After they both finished breakfast, Connor cleaned up and they both went out of the house to take a walk. They were going to make a quick trip to drop off some Pokémon Connor was taking care of. They went to little root town where they lived and on the way Connor ran into a good friend of his as he accidentally ran into her.

Connor: Oof, sorry I didn't see yo- Veronica?

Veronica: Connor?! That is you!

She ran up to him and gave him a hug

Connor: Woah calm down, I'm happy to see you too.

She released the hug and looked at him smiling.

Veronica: Wow well just look at you. It's only been a year and look at how tall you've gotten.

Connor: I've only grown like two inches don't exaggerate.

Veronica: And I see you've finally went back on your word and got yourself a Pokémon! Let me take a look at her!

Connor: Oh wait Veronica! She's not-!

She moved passed him and got close to Gardevoir for her examination

Veronica: A Gardevoir! Nice green hair, silk dress and got to say, she does have a pretty nice pair. That why you changed your mind?

She said as she nudged him with her elbow

Connor: Veronica please, you know I'm not like that. And she's not my Pokémon.

Veronica: What really?

Connor: Yes really, I'm just taking care of her for now since she was in bad shape when I found her.

Veronica: Oh I see, you're still doing that care taker thing huh?

He nodded his head

Veronica: Well I guess if that's what you're still doing, then that's fine.

Connor: So what are doing here in LittleRoot?

Veronica: Oh well I'm just visiting some family I have here. Speaking of which, I need to head over to my grandfathers right now. Well talk again after I finish alright, see ya!

She ran waving back at them

Connor: W-wait how will contact me if you di- oh never mind. Come on Gardevoir let's drop this off and continue with our day.

After they went to drop off the Pokémon Connor was taking care of, they stopped by a park. It was big and had a lake in the center. Many other Pokémon trainers were there either friendly battling or just talking while their Pokémon played together. Connor and Gardevoir walked around the lake until she decided to ask him something that had been bothering her.

Gardevoir: Hey C-Connor?

Connor: What's up?

Gardevoir: Uhm I wanted to ask you. What did your friend Veronica mean by "shes got a nice pair"?

Connor stopped in his tracks and hit his face with the palm of his hand. I'm gonna kill Veronica when I see her again.

Connor: She meant that uh- well you- damn it how do I say this? She meant your ch-chest.

Gardevoir: My.. Chest?

Connor: Yeah she just thought they looked n-nice, I guess.

Gardevoir: Oh I see..... do you think they're nice?

Connor: WOW LOOK AT THE TIME! We must've been out here longer than I thought it's already 12:30. Let's head back home so I can make us some lunch.

(Pokémon) Gardevoir x TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now