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Serena turned and ran to Connor with a big smile and open arms. As she leaped to give him a hug he moved aside to make her miss. She fell on the floor beside him groaning.

Serena: Ow! Hey why'd you move?! That really hurt you know!

She turned and yelled at him but in a manner where it almost looked like she was playing around.

Connor: You were going to tackle me if I didn't move, so I think I made the right decision.

Serena: Well still, I guess you haven't changed huh? Still not fond of Pokémon still?

Connor: I wouldn't say that.

He glanced at Lucille who was walking up to them. Catching his glance, she looked back to the Gardevoir she was with earlier. Putting the pieces together she came to the realization gasping as she looked back at him.

Serena: No way! She's your Pokémon?! That's awesome Connor!

She was really excited throwing her hand on her face and rapidly looking at him then at Lucille. Suddenly her arms wrapped around him as she continued to exclaim her excitement.

Connor: Okay I get it, you can calm down now.

Serena: Sorry! It's just you've kinda changed! I mean your attitude (sorta). You whole physique, I mean look at those pecs and arms, I sorta felt them when I hugged you.

Connor: Hey now wait a-

Serena: And look, you even have a Pokémon now! After all that talk about hating to watch them fight and thinking it can be cruel.

Connor: I still think that, but there's just been somethings that changed how I see it. And you've changed a lot too. Last time we saw eachother was about 5 years ago right ? And you've sorta changed.

That was a big understatement, in reality she changed a lot. She was a bit taller but still shorter than Connor. She had a curvy hourglass shape and not to mention her breasts had also gotten bigger, noticeably.

Serena: Hey! Now your just being mean!

Connor: Yeah well you started it. Well I gotta go, I'm taking care for a Rowlet today.

Serena: Oh your still with that job huh?

He nodded and with the Pokémon in his hand, he waved goodbye to her. He motioned his head so Lucille would follow, and she did. They exited the building and Lucille still had some questions to ask about Serena.

Lucille: Hey Connor, I kinda heard what you guys were talking about. But who exactly was she?

Connor: She's just a really old friend. Haven't seen her since we were still teenagers. Now we're adults, crazy how life goes by.

With nothing further to add they continued to walk back home. Though something still bothered her. Though she didn't look in her head, she noticed that Serena's eyes were constantly looking at Connors lips.


The door swung open and they walked into the house. Connor held up the Rowlet to show him where he would be staying for the next two days. He went into the other rooms meanwhile Lucille went and sat on the couch to watch TV. After a minute of the tour, the Rowlet flew onto the couch intrigued by the TV. He chuckled and went off to his room to make sure he had everything he needed for him. Lucille waved at the Rowlet and introduced herself by speaking in its mind.

Lucille: Hi, I'm Lucille. Do you have a name or do you just go by Rowlet?

He chirped back and though it only sounded like that, he answered with a yes.

(Pokémon) Gardevoir x TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now