Slow and steady

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Both of their lips were pressed against eachother. Her arms wrapped around him and his hands on her hips. Connors mind was hit with a mix of emotions as their kiss continued. Is this the right thing I'm doing? Why do I feel so good about this? I don't think this alright. All those thoughts went up in his head, but there was a mixture of lust as well. Her lips are so soft, so warm. I want to keep holding onto her. It was like his mind was separated into two parts, but it wasn't exactly his thoughts. He thought about it for a second, but Gardevoir might be so overwhelmed by her feelings that she's transmitting into Connor as well, making him feel her feelings, her thoughts. Connor was so trapped in thought he was surprised when he felt her tongue enter his mouth. She began to swirl and explore every inch of it making it more intense as he let her. That was when he tried his hardest to stop her, his hands tried to push her away to break from the kiss. The only time they had a break was the small gasps of air she took before kissing him again. It wasn't until she began to start to lift up his shirt and go for his pants he was able to snap out of his lustful urge and push away from the kiss letting strands of their saliva pull away from them.

Connor: W-wait L-Lucille, we need to stop~

Lucille: W-why I really want to, I need to do this, remember?~

Connor: I know but I-I can't...

He moved her off the seat and stood up putting his hand to his face. This whole thing has been in his mind and he remembers to the fact she's doing this in her own. Veronica said that their mating season isn't for another while.

Connor: Lucille, it isn't your mating season is it?

She was stunned and stepped back knowing that it was true. She gave an embarrassed and guilty nod. Connor sighed as he realized this whole situation had no chance of being reversed or even just pretending it didn't happen. Now he had to address this whole thing here and now otherwise it will be hard to do later. As he thought his head pictured some explicit things with Lucille, even some with them just being a normal couple.

Connor: Lucille can you not put things in my head right now!

Lucille: I-I'm not! Well I was when we were uh-..., but not right now.

She wasn't using her telepathy? Then that was a genuine thought of his. He was taken back by the realization, but he still had to address the current situation.

Connor: Lucille look, I'm... I'm not going to deny the fact that, I did like our moment. But I'm not sure if it's really okay for us to be in a relationship like that.

Lucille: B-but we don't know, what if it is alright.

Connor: I don't know, and if it is. I still don't know how I'd be with this.

Lucille: Oh... I see.

She looked down when he said that, she felt as if they wouldn't be able to go on from this.

Connor: I'm not saying anything is going to change, but maybe we can take things slow.

It looks like that was just what she needed to hear. Her head shot up with a smile and was hopeful to it.

Lucille: Okay, that's fine by me!

Seeing her smile made him do one of his own. This could all work out if things don't get out of hand, but for now he had to be extra careful.

It was midday and the sun was still out after Connor had gotten back from work. Things between him and Lucille have been going at a steady pace. Two months have passed from their exchange. They'd been taking things slowly like he said and both were still fine with it. Though Lucille was really wanting more almost everyday, but she had been keeping it down.

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