New Future

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A sudden feeling came over Connor as he was sleeping. He felt a huge pressure being out on his chest making it hard for him to breathe. Slowly it began to feel as if he was suffocating. His eyes slowly opened to the pressure causing him discomfort and saw the cause. The face of Serena was facing him and her whole body was on top of him. He looked to his left and there he was met with Lucille sleeping as well, hugging him on his side. He was trapped. He also realized that both of them were naked, and as he began to get his senses back. He felt that he was naked too, as he was able to feel their bodies way to well. He tried his to fight his manhood but it was useless as it stood up. Now he had to find a way out of here, if any of them wake up and see him, it would probably end up like last night. Wait, what even happened last night? Whatever right now he had to try and get out of bed without waking them up. It seems the only way out of here was to scoot down from under. He lifted his hands above his hand and slowly shimmied down the bed. It was working, he was already half way out. A few seconds later and he was fully out. With that out of the way he could relax. Though he was pretty sweaty now, and after last night, a shower would be nice.

He turned the knob and set the water to a lukewarm temperature. After feeling for the water to be just right, he stepped in and as soon as the water hit his face, it released all his worries. If he could he'd want to stay there all day. He let the water run down his body for a bit before starting to clean himself. It felt good but he had to get clean and see if there was work to do. He began putting the shampoo in his hair and scratching head to get it everywhere.


He stopped as he heard the door open. But he could've swore he locked it, maybe he was in too much of a rush to shower and forgot.

Connor: Who is it?

He called out but no answer was given. He had to quickly wash the shampoo out of his hair and eyes as he wasn't able to see at the moment. Then he heard the sound of quiet giggles as the curtain drew back. The gust of wind entered letting him know he was out in the open.

Lucille: Hey Connor I thought you'd like a little company.

She got in with him wiping his eyes and finally being able to see. He was a little surprised but he was at least relieved it was only her.

Connor: If it's you then I don't mind. But only shower this time alright, I mean it.

Lucille: Okay okay, I guess since you were pretty intense last night.

She began to wash herself but left him questioning what actually happened.

Connor: Hey Lucille, last night. Was Serena involved in whatever happened?

Lucille: Oh yeah, it seemed like you were pretty into when we got started. It was like you-

Connor: Wait!

He grabbed her and turned her to face him.

Connor: Are you telling me that Serena and I-... did we..

Lucille: No! I uh actually kinda made sure that didn't happen, I felt that it should only be a thing you and me would do.

Hearing that took a huge weight off. At least he didn't have to worry about possibly getting Serena knocked up.

Connor: Good, you did good on that.

He scrubbed her hair as a form of thanks, she very much liked that. They both smiled and continued to bath together.

After they finished up and dried themselves, Lucille got dressed but Connor realized he didn't get a change of clothes. She laughed to herself seeing his predicament. Though maybe he would be able to grab some if Serena was still asleep.

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