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I wish I could've saved you

Charlotte woke up in a cold sweat, terrified to death. Strands of her blonde hair sticking to the sides of her face as the cold air of the late night hit her face as she tried to take deep breaths in to try and calm down. Her lungs burned with every breath, as if the air itself was trying to hurt her.

"It's fine. I'm fine. There was nothing I could do about it." She told herself, trying to forget her actions of what happened that day.

She shakily laid back down after she had relaxed her breath a little. She turned to her side now facing the window. She watched as the wispy clouds lazily floated across the dark night sky that was only illuminated by the moon. As time passed Charlotte had finally drifted off to sleep.

Morning came and Charlotte, being the early riser she was, was already up and dressed. Even though she didn't get a lot of sleep she still looked as beautiful as ever. She walked out of her room, ready to face anything that stood in her way of getting things done.


Charlotte stumbled backwards as she had bumped into some wall that was outside of her door. She held her head in slight pain as she tried to regain her balance.

"Ow.." She mumbled to herself, rubbing her forehead a little before she looked up and immediately froze.

"Are you ok Prickly Queen?" Yami asked. He looked like his usual self today, hair messy, same pair of clothes and his ragged black robe that rested on his muscular shoulder. Everything about him was extremely messy and unprofessional, and yet he had the power to make one of the most beautiful girls in Clover Kingdom break apart with a single look.

Charlotte managed to catch herself staring and quickly stopped, looking down. She could feel her cheeks heating up as she tried to focus her eyes on the tiled floor.

"I-I'm perfectly fine. You should just w-watch where you're standing." Charlotte managed to get out as she raised enough courage to lift her eyes and focused on something else in the room like the door hinges.

"Huh? But you were the one who ran into me?" Yami pointed out causing Charlotte to mentally curse at herself. Her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to come up with a response.

"W-Well... Whatever, why are you outside of my door?" She decided to ask, not knowing what else to say. Her eyes then decided to travel to Yami's face, deciding to make semi-eye contact with him.

"Well, Julius told me to tell you that we're moving the meeting to tomorrow since you missed it. He also told me to check up on you since the Prickly Queen is never late at all." Yami said, a smirk growing upon his face that was there to just tease Charlotte.

Charlotte frowned at what he said a bit confused, "What do you mean? It's only the beginning of the day, the meeting is supposed to be held at noon" Charlotte argued.

Yami shook his head at this, "No it's almost the evening right now. You made me wait for an hour" he said, his hand dramatically placing over his heart as if someone had struck it. Charlotte rolled her eyes at his act.

"Well it's not like you make me wait hours." She shot back at him. Yami's deep chuckle shook her world causing her blush that had once calmed down to quickly come back to life.

"It ain't my fault, I was too busy doing work! You can't blame a man for needing to do his business." Yami said, causing Charlotte to shake her head at his nonsense.

"Tch, how irresponsible of you." She huffed. Yami's smirk was still posted on his face before it fell a little causing Charlotte to think what she said was a little too harsh.

"Seriously though, Charlotte. Are you ok? You're never late to anything, let alone 3 hours late." Yami told her, his once lovely smile now turned into a serious and curious look.

'He's worried about you... wh-why is he so worried? Does he like you!?' Charlotte thought to herself her face heating up even more at the lovely thought.

"U-Uhm I uh..." Charlotte was too much in thought and shocked with that single question if she was ok. As Charlotte stuttered and mumbled to herself Yami's eyebrows pulled towards each other the more she went on. Finally Yami interrupted her.

"Ok, you're obviously not fine. I'll let Julius know." Yami said, jumping to conclusions. Charlotte quickly shook her head.

"N-No! I'm fine I'm fine!" Charlotte quickly got out yet it didn't satisfy Yami.

"Nope you're definitely sick. Don't push yourself too hard." He told her before taking her hand and leading her to her bed. Charlotte's eyes immediately shot down to their hands, her blush getting worse by the second. Her breath got heavy as she was trying to process what was happening. As her mind wandered, who knows where she felt herself being lifted up by a pair of warm and comfortable arms. Her mind was quickly pulled back as she looked up only to be met with Yami's face, she looked down only to see that he was carrying her. She panicked and quickly squirmed to get out of his grip, trying to push herself away from him.

"Yami put me down! I-I'm fine!" She yelled at him. Despite how much she always wanted for her to be held by him this was all too sudden.

Yami looked down at her before sighing and setting her back down on the floor. "I don't believe you." He said.

Charlotte tried to regain her cool, breathing in and out as her hand tightly gripped the area where her heart would be on her blouse. She could feel her heart beating rapidly, pushing against her ribcage as if it were trying to run over to Yami.

"I said I'm fine.. Sorry for being late to the meeting," Charlotte finally said once she had calmed down. She now had that cool facade up. She didn't want to embarrass herself any further than what she had already done.

"I need to deal with squad things. See you later." She said before quickly passing Yami and was already out of the door and was briskly walking towards her squad's common room.

Yami stood there a bit irritated as he knew Charlotte wasn't ok and was still 'sick', but he knew he couldn't do anything about it since she had already left.

(Lmao anyways)

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