A Broken Mask

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Her legs shook, feeling like she could collapse at any moment. The cool breeze passed by her face that felt like it was on fire but at the same time in cold water. The wind rustled every leaf in the lush green garden. Every petal, every branch, every aspect of the once still garden moved with the wind. It was quiet for once.

Charlotte could feel her bottom lip curl up, she bit it to keep herself from letting out a noise. She didn't want to ruin the silence but most importantly she didn't want to vocalize the heart-tearing emotions that she was feeling.

Yami looked at her with surprise to see tears rolling down her cheek, melting away her icy mask for once. He was honestly scared and clueless as to what he should do about her. Before he knew it he could hear tiny whimpers from her as she continued to hold back her cries. He sighed softly as he continued to examine her face.

Her light-reflecting bangs covered her eyes, all he could see was her lips that quivered underneath the tension she was putting on them. The golden light of the setting sun made the color of her face a warm gold, the small tears that ran down her cheeks shined in the dramatic light.

Yami felt his breath be taken captive from her, but he didn't know how she did it. However, he did know that her emotional side was a nice contrast from her stern appearance she usually showed.

He moved closer to her and pulled her into a hug, knowing she needed it. "I thought I told you to not push yourself too hard." He said in a soft and husky voice that only broke through the tough wall that Charlotte was desperately trying to build back up again.

She paused for a moment to think about what she should do but her body had unconsciously curled up into his chest. With that she let go of the thought of pushing him away and let another thought come to mind. She focused on how weak and silly she must've looked, clinging onto Yami like this. However, she didn't care if anyone had seen them.

'Look at you. Clinging to this stupid man.' She told herself that she would become strong by herself but here she was. She couldn't even handle the past.

' Failure.' She thought to herself as she continued to let her bottled up emotions drip out like thick wine.

She was silent as she cried into his chest, the only sounds that came out from her was an occasional brittle hiccup or whimper. Yamis warm and strong embrace helped her body uncoil, his soft deep sighs helped her steady her breathing as she squeezed closer to him. After a couple of minutes her grip on his thin tank top loosened. Charlotte continued to stay in his hold, her eyes closed as she was lost in her degrading thoughts.

Letting her feelings show, letting people see how vulnerable she was. She wasn't strong at all and she didn't know what to do about it. The only thing she could think of doing was to put her mask back on and try again by herself.

Her arms weakly let go of Yami, forcing herself to push his comfort away. She sniffled and used the back of her hand to wipe away the leftover tears.

Yami looked down at her having a concerned look on his face. "Are you ok now?" He decided to ask her concern, shingles through his actions. Charlotte turned away from him and took a step outside towards the garden.

"Yes, I'm fine," she replied back flatly while her tear stained face put on the cold persona again. She continued to walk towards the garden, going to inspect an area trying to make it seem like she was looking for any clues for their mission when in reality she was trying to stabilize her persona so that it wouldn't fall ever again.

Yami looked at her, frowning as he knew what she was trying to do. If it weren't for the fact that she would snap at him if he would've done his best to make sure she felt better about herself. He decided to not invade her space right now and just followed her lead to inspect the garden.

Charlotte took a deep breath in and then out, her lungs felt like they were burning as she inhaled the cold air. It was strange how the sunlight was warm yet the air remained cold. She took the time to recover her emotions and then stood up from the unkept and old tree that she was inspecting. She looked around the garden focusing on the task at hand.

She spotted Yami who was on the other side of the garden staring out into the heavily shaded woods that connected with the garden. Her once calm mind was flooded with panic. It started to flood into her chest once she saw Yami walk closer to it. Her heart felt like it was drowning when she started to think about the past again.

She took a shaky step, a slow hand trying to reach out for him. Her arm felt heavy all of a sudden, it was like the fear of what could happen was weighing down her hand as well. She cursed at herself as she tried to move and say something to get Yamis attention but her mouth hung open, nothing coming out.

Just as her hastily built mask started to crumble Yami came to a stop and looked over at Charlotte. He had that sort of bored and unreadable look which shifted into a confused look, absolutely oblivious as to what Charlotte was doing.

"What is it?"

Charlotte wanted to run over to him and bring him away from the forest. Despite how intimidating the forest appeared, she wanted to shout at him and tell him to get away from there, her whole body wanted both of them to leave the familiar home., but she couldn't find her voice nor feel her legs.

Yamis eyes narrowed when Charlotte didn't say anything, "Let's come here tomorrow," he sighed knowing that Charlotte had something going on.

Charlotte's mouth closed, now biting her bottom lip. She didn't mean to put a hold to their mission, that wasn't her intention, but of course it was her being weak that caused this delay. Her hand fell back to her side before simply nodding at what Yami had told her. Her eyebrows were still knitted together, she was pissed at herself and at this damned garden.

Yami walked over to her and patted her head, gaining her attention, "Do you wanna go out and get something to eat?" He asked her.

Her eyebrows became untied from each other and rose up in confusion. She replayed the words in her head, 'Go out? On a date?' She thought to herself, this time a different kind of feeling rose up in her. She felt nervous with what he had said, had he really just asked her out on a date?

"Go out?" She managed to push out, her voice soft yet tight. Yami nodded, pulling out another cigarette and lighting it. He took in a hefty breath and then let out a puff of smoke into the air.

"Yeah, go out into town for supper." He clarified and broke the rising hope she had. She turned away from his face, a bit irritated with him now.

"Oh, yeah I guess we should." She agreed and started to walk towards the door they came out from. 'Curse you for getting my stupid hopes up.' She grumbled to herself.

(Girll I feel like my writing is becoming progressively b a d. Or it's probably the fact I'm up at 12 writing these chapters- anyways happy Easter if u celebrate ✋✋

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