Prisoned Memory

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Yami had always found himself alone and to be honest he was fine with that. Everything seemed much more simpler when you're by yourself.

"Well, I guess we should get going." Charlotte told Yami breaking the awkward silence between them.

They stood at the entrance of the grand castle, She pulled out her broom and climbed onto it. Magic pulsed through her fingertips as the wooden stick floated off the ground.

Yami looked at her and nodded grabbing his own broom and hopping on it, "Yeah, gotta make sure no one else gets hurt." He added.

Charlotte looked away from him and nodded, "yeah," was all she said before taking off towards Kikka.

Yami was quick to follow, tailing behind her. Yami kept his eyes on her delicate looking feminine figure. He examined her lonely braid that would hang by her side which was now airborne against the wind, still looking as beautiful as ever.

'Yup, being alone is great. I don't have to worry about others. Only myself.' Was what he said to himself as he continued to watch Charlotte.

He glanced away from her looking at the passing blurs of colors. He was getting dizzy from this and moved his eyes back over at Charlotte and her steady body. Something was bothering him with every look he would take of her. As if something in his mind was banging against metal bars of a prison cell, begging to be let out. He took a step towards the cell hoping to get a good look as to what it was only to be flooded with a single memory from the past.

"Get out of hear if you don't even know how to talk!" Yami came barging out of the store his hands wrapped around a piece of flaky bread. He looked behind him spotting the storekeeper with his griamore out, ready to launch a spell at him.

'Fuck' was what Yami thought as a water attack whizzed past his head, barely missing him. He would've attacked back if it weren't for the fact that the vendor had called his other employees.

Before he could get caught by his pursuers he ducked into an alleyway. He made sure that no one had followed him before sliding down the rough cement wall. He sat down on the rocky floor that was shaded by the towering buildings. He took a bite of the glutinous food.

'What a crappy day,' was what he thought to himself as he ate, 'I should've stayed near the forest.' He continued to talk to himself about his shitty day before being interrupted with a small raspy meow. He looked down and saw a white and beige colored cat at his feet. It looked really skinny, the more he stared at the cat the outlines of the cats bones became more clearer. He reached out and petted the cat watching it nuzzle and push towards his palm more.

"You must be very hungry huh?" He asked the cat as he broke off a piece of his bread and held it out in his hand for it to eat. The cat looked down at the bread and took it immediately devouring it. Yami chuckled and took another piece of bread. Like that the bread was gone and Yami had made his first friend.

Looking back at it the cat only used him for food and warmth, but Yami didn't mind. Everyday after that day he would always meet the frail tiny cat, feeding it most of his bread while in return he got to rant about his problems to this creature. This continued on until one day.

Staring down at his feet..

Yami cut the long lost memory off, his eyes were still on Charlotte. 'Maybe being with someone isn't that bad.' He looked at Charlotte before smiling a little. Charlotte looked behind her to see if Yami was behind her. She was a bit surprised to see Yami staring at her, noticing his rare smile.

"What?" she asked him, her arms grip on the broom tightening a little as they're eyes had met. His dark eyes slowly breaking down her cool masquerade with every second he stared at her.

"Oh it's nothing Miss Tense," He said to her coming up with a new nickname to tease her with. Charlottes eyebrows furrowed at the nickname.

"Miss Tense? That's a new one." Charlotte said with a roll of her eyes before she faced away from him, hiding her face due to having her cold facade broken by him. She grumbled to herself about the frustrating and embarrassing emotions she had developed for him but the rushing of the air made it so that Yami couldn't hear her angry statements.

(Hahaha Idk I'm planning to make Charlotte have problems with trusting others or relying on ppl. But then I wanna make Yami also have problems but idk what problems lmao-

Anyways Spring break pog ig 😫🤟✋💦)

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