Into The Woods

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(Warning: Mentions of blood)

"Hey, let's go into that spooky lookin' house," it was the middle of the late night, the sun hadn't risen yet and the already creepy mansion was over casted with the shadow of the night making everything look creepier than it already was.

"You're crazy!," a young girl giggled at the young man who was already opening up the broken down gate.

"C'mon, it's not like there's some ghost in there," the taller boy had told the young lady who was besides him. There was a smaller boy who hesitantly followed behind them, holding a lamp that barely lit up their surroundings.

They reached the entrance of the home, "Don't you think this is trespassing? Maybe we should leave.." the youngest one said to the older ones.

He was a small boy with short brown shaggy hair like his sister who was giggling at the older boys jokes.

"We'll be dead if our mothers find out we're up in the middle of the night," he timidly squeaked out.

"Oh come on, Jack. Hey, Lucy, tell your brother to stop being such a wet blanket."

"Jack, if you didn't want to go out on an adventure then you shouldn't have come!" Lucy told her brother who sighed in defeat.

"S-Sorry, sister.."

"Good, now how should we open up this door." Jack looked to the side as his sister and her boyfriend tried to open up the door. The mana of this home made Jack scared to the bone. He'd never felt such an enormous amount of mana from a simple home.

Crack! Jack's attention snapped back to the door which was forced open by the red headed guy.

"Bingo! Great let's go and see some ghosts." The redhead exclaimed and proudly walked in with Lucy at his side.

Jack reluctantly followed behind them with the lamp that had a small flame of magic. The trio walked out into the garden, amazed by the beauty of it. They started to climb on the old trees and plucked roses from the garden until they noticed the forest.

"Oh, this looks interesting. Let's go in." The ignorant redhead said.

Jack frowned at the idea and shook his head. The redhead raised an eyebrow at him, "What? Are you scared that something might eat you? I would be too considering you don't have that much magic to protect yourself with. But you don't have to worry about your sister. I'll protect her while you can focus on protecting yourself, shrimp," the redhead claimed as he wrapped an arm around Lucy who giggled at him.

"Oh come on, baby. Don't be so mean to him, he's younger than you," she giggled.

Jack opened his mouth to say something but closed it and bowed his head. He followed the couple into the forest, he was being used as a lamp holder. He knew he shouldn't have accompanied her sister but he was too curious.

They got deeper into the forest before Jack had dropped the lamp. The sound of the metal lamp clanking against the floor and tumbling away into a bush was all Jack could hear as his feet had frozen with fear. His eyes widened and his mouth opened to scream but nothing came out.

Yami yawned loudly, his movements were slow and heavy while he and Charlotte walked in the long shadows that were casted by the new rising sun. Damn Charlotte woke him up before the sun had risen and immediately rushed him to the mansion. She didn't even let him get 12 hours of sleep which irritated him. His hands reached into his pockets and scrimmaged for his cigarette box and lighter.

"Why'd you wake me up so early. The sun hasn't even fully risen." His voice grumbled towards Charlotte.

The blonde looked back at him and shot him a serious look, "Because we have to get back to our mission. Unlike you, I get things done right away," she continued her way in the shadows, "The sooner we finish the sooner we can continue with our separate lives."

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