creep ! pt 2

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Rb here, sorry for the long wait.
Also, I'm trying to complete all the unfinished stories I and storm created!
T/W: attempted k1dnApp1ng, $3xua1 A$$au17.

Noone's POV

dream had been under sapnap's view for a long time because sapnap didn't want him to get harassed by that creep.

One day, they both got separated in a crowd, then dream was pushed into an alleyway by someone, then he was pinned to the wall by the same creep.

Dream got pretty scared and sapnap was trying to find dream.

Dream started to tear up while the creep was creepily talking to dream,
telling him things like " your body is very beautiful" and more creepy things.

Dream was getting more terrified by the time and sapnap could still get through the crowd.
Just then dream saw sapnap in the crowd, he got most of his strength together and twisted the creep's hand.

The man yelped in pain and dream ran towards sapnap but was interrupted by some hands on his waist.

At the time sapnap also saw dream and was pushing through the crowd to get to him.

The creep saw him and tried to run away.
Dream noticed it and thought of a plan.

He started to flirt ( inside his mind he's actually going to puke ) with the creep so he could get him to stop moving.

His plan worked.

sapnap then came and punched the creep.
He gave dream his phone and then started to punch the shit out of the man.

Dre called the police.

When they arrived they saw a very angry Sapnap being held by a green screen and the man who $3xua11y a$$au17t3d Dream.

That piece of crap was arrested for $3xua1 hara$$m3n7
After that snapmap asked dream why he was flirting with that man, dream answered "Well he was going to kidnap me! And he looked like he was OBSESSED with me, so I tried to distract him by flirting. Also, why did you bring that up? I wanna puke now."

Sapnap laughed a bit and then hugged dream.

Some years later Sapnap proposed to dream, and of course dream said yes.

Now dream belonged to Sapnap only.

And no one can take him... NO ONE.

E̷͗͜N̸͕͌D̸͐ͅ ̶̡͋!̴̡͂ ̴̜̌R̸̛̳B̵̪͠ ̶̞̄O̴͍̓U̴̧͒T̵̥̉-

O̴͍̥̟͖̰̿̇͂́̈́ŗ̷̲̥͋̀̈̒͝ ̶̥͉̍̊n̸̦̘̈̏͋o̴̭̒̓̌t̸̡͔̝͑̈́͐̌ ̶̘̠̱̳̋̓̅̕͠?̸̛̼̙̇̆͌̆͜

"So his name is dream akai, right ?"

"Yes sir"

"Dream akai, you WILL be MINE".


End ! RB out !

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