𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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(okay Hi, I know I haven't posted at all recently, which I am terribly sorry for but here take this!<3)


!kinks being used in this!: daddy kink, choking kink, pet names, and semi-public sex(kinda)!

(Also most of this is written by robo_fortune_M-3OW but just call her rb-fortune)

%~George's POV~%

"Okay time to start my stream.."

George said as he started the stream and people started flooding in the chat, saying "hello" or "hi".
He chuckled a bit and went on playing some typical Minecraft.
Everyone in the chat was hyped up. Every time anything happened all that you can see in the chat was either "POG" or "POGCHAMP".

What nobody (except George) knew about was that Dream was actually visiting George for some time... Probably got dared to by sapnap-

%~Dream's POV~%

I was laying on George's couch all alone. I was getting bored so I just lay there while trying not to be bored. I tried to fall asleep but I couldn't. Then my phone dinged. 'A notification by Twitter huh ?', I said in my mind. I opened Twitter and the first thing I see is that Twitter recommended me a tweet about dreamnotfound. I just laughed it off but it stayed in my head for some reason.

After some time I started to imagine lewd things, like George on top of me, smirking slyly,( I think that's how you spell it ) His length inside me and me being a moaning mess. I blushed hard, not even knowing that I was getting harder by the minute. I knew I had to do something about it, so I did the most (il)logical thing I could do.

%~Third person POV~%

Dream went to George's streaming room, hiding from the face cam so the people don't see his face.

George's stream chat was going kinda haywire because they noticed the door move.
George assured them that it was fine and that he had a guest and that they might have accidentally opened his door.
Meanwhile, George was wondering what dream was doing in a place where his face could probably be revealed and they won't be able to do anything about it.
Dream then snuck beneath the table and George saw him there.
George muted himself and then asked dream why was he there. George noticed a wide bright blush on Dream's beautiful face.
Dream got his head near George's that area. George got the hint of what dream wanted and he gave dream his consent ( Pogchamp ) George unmuted himself and apologized to his chat.
Half of the chat forgave him while the other half was getting kinda suspicious of him, but they let it slide.

While that was happening, Dream kinda slid down George's pants and boxers and was now staring at the at least 7 inches in front of him.
Dream then licked the 7-inch mæt stick in front of him and slowly started sucking on the tip.

George gasped a little and his talking got shaky.
The chat was getting confused now but didn't really mind it.
Dream then took most of the length in his mouth surprisingly not gaging.
(Makes ya wonder if he had ever done this before- okay were getting off-topic let's go back)

George's Breathing got heavier and his face started becoming bright red.
And then he couldn't really hold his moans, but he somehow did. After some more time, the chat started asking if he was okay or not.
At that same time Dream fully took in George's length and gagged a bit.
George couldn't hold it any longer, he lied that he felt really sick and ended the stream.
After that, he moaned loudly and came deep inside Dream's throat.
Some of it leaked from dream's mouth and onto his soft cherry red lips.
George then decided to punish dream for this sudden action.
He grabbed Dream by his hoodie and dragged him to his bed. He kissed Dream deeply and got his hand up Dream's hoodie and played with his sensitive buds. Dream moaned into the kiss. George stripped Dream and then himself. After some time George broke the kiss and said " Baby, I think you need a punishment for that surprise attack filled with lust... So, lube or no lube ?", In a seductive ass voice.
Dream whispered " l-lube p-please". George got up and got a conveniently placed bottle of lube.
Ge got some on his fingers and inserted one finger inside dream. Dream gasped at the feeling. After something, George added another finger. Now Dream was moaning a lot. Then George added two more fingers. Dream was a lot more than a moaning mess.
George pulled his fingers out of dream and got the bottle of lube again but he got stopped by dream.

Dream then gave George something while blushing, It was a damned condom. George put on the condom and lubed it up (Idk how that works but okay )
Then George slowly entered dream and let him adjust to his size. After some time Dream gave him a small nod. He then started to f**k the living soul outta him. Dream was a moaning mess, tongue out and sh*t. He already came on the sheets once.
Dream then moaned out "AH~ GEOR- AHH~ G-GAH!~ DADDY ~!".
George was surprised to hear that and he liked how dream sounded right there. George slowed down a bit making dream whine a bit. "If you want me to go fast then tell me kitten~". Dream blushed hard. "P~Please George~ I~I need y~you t~to go f~faster~", Dream said in a submissive tone." That's not my name kitten". George said stiffly. Dream blushed more and finally screamed out "DADDY PLEASE FUCK ME FASTER~!".

"As you wish kitty~".

The next thing you could hear was only dream moaning and the usual things you hear when this kind of things are going on. George decided to do something. He tracked his hand up to dream's neck and pressed it ( lightly ) dream was not going crazy. He came a second time and just after he did George came inside dream. Dream basically screamed out loud. They were both panting heavily and were covered in sweat and (a white liquid) George then said "Who's the bottom now dreamy ?". Dream was made but tired so he let George off the hook this time. George then picked dream up and carried him to the bathroom. He cleaned both of them and they both went to sleep, cuddling.
The chapter is complete!
I am rb-fortune or call me Rb or Rc.
1112 words

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