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(wsp broskis I'm back:) I finally had motivation;( sooo.. I wrote smth)

 ~tags:masturbation, sex toys, also trans dream cause I said so<3~

-ship:no one! just dream alone<3-

'no one's POV!'

Dream silently cheered as he closed the door to his room softly, joyous for the time alone as everyone in the house left. he ran to his bed and tossed off his boxers, digging in his side drawer to grab a vibrator, and small dildo. he positioned his legs to be spread, he turned on the vibrator and placed it softly on his clit/t- dick. he softly groaned at the vibrations on his clit. he slowly moved in circular movements and moaned quietly at the sensations. he pressed a button and the vibrations got stronger, his legs quivered from the feeling as he whined, his hips thrusting at the sensations. he closed his eyes and groaned again as he pressed down against his clit, the vibrations growing. his thighs quivered as he turned up the settings, the sensation getting stronger as he thrusted the dildo inside of himself. the amount of slick he produced from the vibrator making the dildo easily slide into his boy cunt, easily able to thrust it in and out of himself. he moaned softly as he continued to press the vibrator against his clit, and thrusting the dildo in and out at a fast, harsh pace. he threw his head back and moaned loudly, placing his head against the pillow to muffle his noises. he thrust his hips up and down as a knot grew inside of him, his eyes watering as he whined. 'fuck!- fuckfuckfuck!-' he whimpered out as the knot grew bigger, he felt his legs quivering from the intense pleasure. his lips were puffy and red from how hard he was chewing on them. he swallowed harshly as he pressed down harder on his clit, and thrusting the toy harder inside of his wet boy pussy. the sounds of wet, squelching noises were heard inside his room, alongside the sounds of his soft, pleasured moans. he threw his head back as the knot inside of him snapped, sending himself into oblivion as he screamed silently. his legs quivered intensly as he came all over his toys. he continued to hold the vibrator on his clit, sending him into over-stimulation. he loved the pain but felt too tired to continue so he gently pulled the vibrator away from his clit as he gasped for air. he slowly took the dildo out of his cunt and tossed the toys aside. he took deep breaths and pulled his boxers back on. he laid on the bed for a few moments before sitting up and using a towel to wipe his juices off of his thighs, and toys. he placed the toys back into the drawer and shut it. he sighed and laid back down to sleep, too tired to properly clean up.


𝓓𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼&lt;3(𝓷𝓸 𝓽𝓸𝓹 𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶!!)Where stories live. Discover now