"I love you.."

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(Hello sorry for not posting much but I'm back also a happy ending!)
No one's POV
Dream was crying inside the closet as techno was driving home, as dream cried techno arrives hearing his lover crying upstairs, he ran up the stairs opening the bedroom door. Going to the closet and opening the closet doors to see his poor lover crying, picking him up "dream.." techno says as dream is still sobbing, as techno was holding dream he walked over to the bed placing him down gently laying down beside him and cuddling him, whispering sweet nothings into his ear, rubbing his back to calm him, "Dream hey talk to me please.." Dream looks up sniffling and gasping for air
Replying with "b-baby.." choking on air, "you l-love me-" choking again "r-right..?" Sobbing more, techno looking at his lover hugging him tighter trying to calm him down "oh dream..of course, I love you.." "T-techno can we go o-out for ice cream..?" Techno nods his head "mhm.." getting up, techno picks up dream and takes him to the closet to let him change out of his PJs
~after changing~
Techno and dream walk outside their house and walk to their car, techno taking out the keys, opening the door for his lover, letting him sit down in the seat buckling him in, pecking him on the cheek, walking to the driver's door opening the door for himself sitting down and buckling himself in,
~when they get there~
"???: what kind of ice cream would you love birds like?"
Dream blushing profusely "I'll take.." "bubble gum please!"
Techno also saying his order"mint chip"
"???: alright coming right up!"
~after they paid and got the ice cream~
"techno look!", techno looking where dream was pointing, seeing two blue whales in the ocean near them, looking over at his boyfriend, seeing the amazement in his eyes made him smile, laughing at his boyfriend's cuteness,
Dream's POV
While I was watching the whales I hear my lover beside me laugh I glance at him "techno what are you laughing at?"
He responds with "dream your too cute" I blush a tomato red "t-techno I am not!"
No one's POV(sorry bout the POV switching-)
(Ack I lost motivation so part 2 will be coming in a while cause I have no ideas for this I need help;w;)

𝓓𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼<3(𝓷𝓸 𝓽𝓸𝓹 𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶!!)Where stories live. Discover now