Crackfic for you crack loving sinners<3

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(heyoo!!~ it's Travis once again with a crackfic! also do not question why I actually did it- it was quick and ez so. edit! yea no- not quick n ez- )

~Ship: Fish x Dream. Yep. I said it, fish x dream. ~

-Dream's POV- 

I turn around and sprint. running towards the pond ahead, leaping in, quickly resurfacing to drink a water-breathing potion, once done I dive down further. seeing a beautiful, absolutely GORGEOUS, fish. My heart begins to pound in my chest, I bite my lip and slowly swim my way towards it. it looks at me questioningly, then swims towards me aswell. I  felt blood rush to my face, and I feel it graze the skin on my cheek, eyes widening. I part my mouth in shock and pure lust... I lift my hand to touch the scales on the absolute beauty in front of me. the feelings of the fish are amazing, drawing me in more. I lean in closer to the fish, the fish follows my movements. the both of us leaning closer till I feel fish lips on mine. I lean closer to deepen the kiss. we part away from the kiss so I can inhale air into my lungs. we kiss again but quickly deepen the kiss. I moan into the kiss, closing my eyes. we part once again. I realize it's gotten dark and quickly wave goodbye to the fish, swimming up quickly as the potion wears out. I jump onto land, breathing heavily. I smile slightly to myself, as I get up to head home.

(why TF did I write this..-  I am fucking dumb enough to write this shit for free- man it's 12 am rn so- take your crack-shot you Lil crackheads)

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