~Cat Maid Dream~

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(to the wonderful person who requested this thank you and enjoy!)

Dream's POV

my family isn't really stable right now so I had to go out and get a job as I was searching around I found a maid cafe?! I thought "maybe I should try to get a job here..." as I built enough courage and I walked in people looking at me I started to get nervous as a young lady comes up to me and asks me "hello sir! what would you like today?" I replied with "I would like an application for a job here if that's okay please" "right away sir!" she walks off so I stand waiting there seeing some people stare at me I start feeling very uncomfortable I notice her walking back with a paper "I'm back sir would you like to sit down and fill out the form and maybe tomorrow you can get an interview is that okay?" I reply "yes that's fine thank you very much, ma'am!" "your welcome sir" I fill out the form when I feel hot breath on my neck I shiver and turn around quickly with my hand on my pocket knife in my pocket noticing its sapnap I sigh in relief I start speaking "oh hey sap what're you doing here?" he quickly replied "I was hungry and seen this place so I came in and I saw you, by the way, why are you filling out this application?" he says with a smirk "Oh uh.." I think of something quickly "it's for my sister she wants a job here but she's sick right now and can't go out" he replies with "oh okay then" I could hear the sarcasm in his voice when he said that but I shrugged it off "well I'm gonna go home now dreamy bye" "by-" wait did he call me dreamy?! I finish filling out the form and hand it to the kind young lady and she walks away with the paper a couple of minutes later she comes back and tells me to come back tomorrow for the interview 

~%The next Day%~

Dream's POV 

I walk in with my mask on my face my emerald eyes shining from the mask as my hair flows when the door closes and I feel a pair of eyes on me I look up and see the same woman from yesterday walking up to me I greet her kindly as she starts speaking "hello again here for the interview?" "yep!" I reply "alright sir follow me please" I follow her to the room in the back

I see another man sitting at a desk writing on a piece of paper I wonder what he's writing about, but I think its none of my business she starts to speak with the man telling him its time for the interview he walks up to me reaching his hand out for a handshake I shake his hand he starts to speak to me "hello sir your name is clay correct?" "uh yes my name is clay you can also call me dream which I prefer," I say with a nervous laugh he looks at me telling me to follow him and sit down in the chair I sit down listening to him speak he finally stops and motions for me to follow I follow him to another room wondering why are there so many rooms he tells me "we need to train you first to see how well you would do here" as he hands me a maid outfit I look at him confused he tells me "sorry we need you to put this on if your not comfortable you don't need to" I reply to him "no no it's fine plus I'll have to get used to it right?" I say I go into a dressing room and taking off my mask and getting dressed in the outfit I look at myself in the mirror thinking "fuck I look feminine in this"

I walk out stumbling a bit from the heels I finally get over to him asking what now he told me he's gonna get a female maid to help me with the training I reply with a nod as he starts to walk away I sit down waiting

~!*a couple of minutes later*!~

he walks back in with a young woman I greet her with a small smile she smiles back and sits beside me telling me how to do this or that then I was ready they told me today was an event day I didn't know what it was so they just gave me a pair of Cat Ears and a clip-on tail so I went in the dressing room again and clipped the tail on my skirt and placed the ears on my head I walked out and asked them is this okay they nod as a response they tell me I can start working so I do I walk out into the main area of the cafe in the outfit the skirt swaying side to side 

Sapnap's POV

I walk into the cafe I saw dream the other day I see him in a... MAID OUTFIT?!.

(shit I can't think of anything else- so uh part 2 coming later?)

(i just need ideas for this;-;)

(890 words bye peoples)

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