Glow Squid Gangbang

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(Thank you crystalshadeyt for  requesting and being the first person to read my new book!)
(Look guys once you read this please do not comment things like I'm going to hell or I have sinned please it makes me feel uncomfortable thank you bye)

(!huge smut warning!)

Dream's POV

During a manhunt me, George and Sapnap were filming for Youtube I tried to escape them by diving underwater, but that didn't turn out well.. now here I am being fucked by glow squids I'll tell you how it started.

(here begins the storytelling v)

being dragged down under the water, I take out a water-breathing potion and drink it while still being dragged, I feel tentacles reach their way up my inner thigh, I try to swat it away but that didn't work, looking around I see multiple glow squids surrounding me.

while I was struggling to escape the glowsquid's grasp I feel my clothes being taken off by the squids, my eyes widen at the feeling of the water touching my skin, I whimper, scared of what's gonna happen next.

Still being dragged under the water, the look of distress on my face was noticed by the squids, they start to go faster under the water, one deciding on making a burrow under the sand, they bring me in the burrow, my eyes widen even more when I witness a bright light shine into my gaze and the next thing I knew the squids turn into humans or partly human, the squids still have their tentacles.

I feel something slimy slide up my spine, making me shiver slightly, then I feel something wet push open my legs, While I'm still sitting there shocked at how they turned human, I feel a slimy finger slowly push its way into my entrance, I wince in pain due to it being my first time, my eyes once again widen when I feel the finger push in more slowly thrusting in and out of my entrance, the other humanized squids grab my arms and legs to keep me from kicking

(no worries about the other half gone I'm just rewriting this piece of shit my old writing sucked-)

(Okay to everyone commenting please stop commenting things like I need bleach or something related to it I'm not comfortable with it I keep seeing it and I'd like for everyone to stop thank you)

(Mk I'm done thanks for reading this is cringe but who cares also fuckinnnggggg 1229 words BITCHES HAH first time writing a book it S U C K S but eh im done took a while but its done so bye-)

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