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p o p p y

"Flower, time for dinner, come on," I felt like I'd gone through this before. 

Yeah, this morning, idiot.

"Will you pull me up," I extended my right arm out, still not opening my eyes. My nap was so good, and I didn't want to leave the bed.

I felt movement from under my head. It stopped almost immediately. 

"Flower, I can't move. You have to move your head... and body."

"Huh?" I opened my eyes to see what Blake meant by that exactly.

For some reason, the two times I'd slept beside him, my body found a way of... getting close to him.

My head was on his chest like it was this morning, and my one leg was thrown across both of his. I was basically hugging him like he was a giant pillow.

Go ahead and embarrass yourself more, Poppy.

What could I say? I usually hugged a pillow when I slept.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," I threw myself off him and successfully fell off the bed without even having the intention to. "I swear there was more bed there."

Blake couldn't stop laughing. From the moment he heard the thud caused by me falling up until I dragged him out of the room, he still continued to laugh.

He had tears in his eyes at that point, and he was clutching his stomach because it was starting to hurt.

Everyone stared at him weirdly when we got to the kitchen. They were getting their food but immediately stopped when they saw Blake giggling to himself, wiping the tears from his eyes.

The rest of the room was silent, still trying to comprehend what was going on.

"You idiot, stop laughing," I nudged him, trying to make him notice that everyone was starting to stare. "It's a talent. You don't laugh at talent."

"Sure, talent," he finally realized why I was being so uptight and stopped laughing altogether, his face turning blank once again. He really isn't one to show emotion around many people. "What? You know, it's rude to stare. I'd say take a picture, but you can't."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise at his statement, proving that he was a completely different person around other people.

Probably because we were friends, and they were basically strangers that just lived with him for the weekend.

We all moved to eat, diverging into our little groups once again.

There wasn't anything written on the back of the name cards like usual, probably because other people still weren't done with their tasks. I wonder if Blake finished his.

"Question," I announced suddenly, capturing his attention.

"Answer?" he guessed.

I laughed a little, shaking my head. 

"No, I have a question for you," I pointed at him with my french fry.

"Oh," he understood. "What's the question?"

"Have you done the thing on your card yet?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Working on it."

"You have less than four hours left," I worried. "Aren't you scared?"

"I'm okay," he smiled reassuringly. "My task's a little complicated, so it's totally fine with me if I don't get to complete it."

"Anything I can do to help?" I know we weren't allowed to tell each other what was written on our cards, but they didn't say anything about trying to help, right?

Flowers and Pop RocksWhere stories live. Discover now