Chapter Two

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"So, you and Jihoon. How long have you been friends?" Ren asked a third time when Jessica derailed, once again, from the story she was trying to tell.

"Right, uhm. I think we met as toddlers or something. He used to live in my neighbourhood, but then his father got a way better job, so he moved away to a gated community." She said as she pulled her skirt down. She always felt awkward wearing a skirt while sitting down. One moment it's too long, or she looks fat in it, or she's afraid everyone can look under it, or she feels forced to sit a certain way. She likes wearing them, but sometimes she feels self-conscious in them.

"You okay?" Ren asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"Well, you keep pulling your skirt. Especially when I look at you." Jessica bit a lip after what he said. She didn't want to appear insecure in front of him. "Are you self-conscious? It's fine if you are, but just wondering."

"Maybe a little." She muttered softly. She looked down at her cup. Ren was surprised by himself when he felt a little sorry for her.

"So, are you going to the Christmas gala tomorrow?" Ren quickly changed the subject.

"Wasn't planning on it. I don't like fancy parties."

"They're fun if you're with the right person." Ren smirked. Jessica blushed and looked away.

"I don't have a dress anyway." She muttered.

"I can give you one. My sister-in-law has some she never wears anymore."

"I-I don't know."

"Come on. It'll be fun. Me and my friends will be there, so it's definitely going to be fun." He smiled at her. She pursed her lips for a moment. "Well? I can also get you a ride to and from."

"Fine. But, only if you dance with me at least once." She smiled while fiddling with the hem of her school jacket. "I know it's silly, but I've always wanted to slow dance with someone." Ren smirked at her confession.

"I'll make sure you to get you a dress then, to match mine." Jessica smiled and looked down. "Come on, I'll drive you home." Ren stood up and walked towards the doors as Jessica brought their cups to the bar. She followed Ren out and smiled at him when he held the door for her.

"Thank you for driving me." She said when they arrived at her front door.

"You're very welcome, milady. I'll see you tomorrow night." He gave her a quick hug before giving her, her bag back and returned to his car. She waved as he drove away before entering her home.

Saturday, December 22nd

"My baby sister going to her first school party! Can't wait!" Jessica's sister, Alice, exclaimed as she applied the mascara.

"Yeah, yeah, are you done? The eyeliner was annoying enough." Jessica whined.

"That's because this is the first time you ever wore it. Thankfully, baby sis, you have an amazing older sister that can make cheap house brand make up, look like the expensive shit."

"Alice!" Jessica snapped at her as she nodded her head to her younger sister playing nearby.

"Relax, it's not like mom never used those words around us at that age."

"Cause we turned out so wonderful. We both were suspended in elementary for cussing at the teacher."

"So? We'll make it a family tradition." Jessica glared at her sister's joke.

"Done! How does she look, Jamie?" Alice turned to their younger sister.

"Pretty!" She yelled and jumped happily into the air.

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