Chapter 9: I want to get a Lambo in cash.

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Both Vesper and Vittoria or Lilith as she went by had only one fight before being the finalists.

This had been the toughest bet for people, Vittorio's money was definitely on his sister, he knew what she went through, he knew fighting was her release, he knew she was darn good at, but for some reason, Lilith seemed just as good.

But he was still with Vesper and he didn't know why.

He had decided to just go, and sit with his hood up, yes, not in a suit but a hoodie, he didn't want anyone to know that he, himself had come there.

Vesper smirked at the dead body lying at her feet and jumped off the leader, drinking the ice-cold water one of her friends handed her as she walked over to the side and took her best friend's hand, allowing her to pull her up.

Everyone saw both of them snicker at something Bella said, Vesper took another gulp of the water some of it, dripping down he side of her chin, people looked at her with pleased looks, she looked hot, yet they were scared she'd take it in the wrong way as she should and they'd be begging for death.

That thought was a major turn off, they looked away afraid.

Vittorio smirked at their pale faces as they realised they might have smirked.

He couldn't help it, these people were just scared by the thought of Vesper being anywhere near them, it both amused him and gave him comfort even if he wouldn't admit it.

It brought him immense comfort people were scared of his sisters, this suited him in both ways, if he had to get rid of them, they'd volunteer, one less person to fear that way...the other part because he knew no-one would dare to fuck with them, use them, hurt them, or kill them.

They'd be the ones doing the latter options.

He liked that fact.

Some of the newbies in Bella's gang wiped the cold dried blood and the sticky mixture of blood, sweat and dirt off Vesper.

All of the people loyal to Vesper were now needed by Katherine, the ones who weren't totally loyal to her but worked with her if taken out would empty the area too much adding to suspicion.

That's certainly not what they weren't going for.

"So what can I use against her?"

"Not a lot, she's almost as bloody good as you"

"Why haven't I fucking heard of her before?"

"Not sure" Bella hummed looking at Vitt-- Lilith cooling off after winning her fight. "Your bastard brother is here"

"Where the fuck is he- nevermind, Son of a bitch is in a hoodie"

"I think he's hot"

"You could do better"

"Oh definitely but he's still fucking hot"


"Take the sides" Katherine whispered into her earpiece "Surrounded?"

She heard a chorus of yes's.


She heard thuds of the bodies, some groans, thankfully there wasn't much noise, she walked in and smirked at the unconscious men.

Vittorio sent only a few but the 'strongest' and bulkiest men in this area, because of it's sensitive past, he needed things done, silently and efficiently.

Especially in this area.

Katherine opened the box and smirked when she saw their company watches carefully hiding the heroin.

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